Capital Punishment: Saudi Arabia

Cabinet Office written question – answered at on 16 December 2024.

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Photo of Andrew Slaughter Andrew Slaughter Chair, Justice Committee, Chair, Justice Committee

To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, whether the Prime Minister raised the use of the death penalty for offences that do not meet international standards for the most serious crimes during his meeting with the (a) Prime Minister and (b) Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.

Photo of Andrew Slaughter Andrew Slaughter Chair, Justice Committee, Chair, Justice Committee

To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, whether the Prime Minister discussed with the Prime Minister and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia the (a) application of (i) Juvenile Law 2018 and (ii) Royal Decree 2020 and (b) risk of (A) the re-imposition of a death sentence on Abdullah al-Howaiti and (B) potential execution of Abdullah al-Derazi during their meeting on 9 December 2024.

Photo of Andrew Slaughter Andrew Slaughter Chair, Justice Committee, Chair, Justice Committee

To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, whether the Prime Minister made representations to the Prime Minister and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia on the prison sentences given to (a) Salma al-Shehab and (b) Noura al-Qahtani during his meeting on 9 December 2024.

Photo of Georgia Gould Georgia Gould The Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office

I refer the Hon Member to the read-out of the meeting.

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