Domestic Abuse: Men

Ministry of Justice written question – answered at on 18 November 2024.

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Photo of Mark Pritchard Mark Pritchard Conservative, The Wrekin

To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, how many women were (a) prosecuted and (b) convicted for domestic abuse against men in the period 2022-2023 .

Photo of Alex Davies-Jones Alex Davies-Jones The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice

The Ministry of Justice publishes data on the number of offenders prosecuted and convicted which can be filtered to specific offences. This can be obtained in the Outcomes by Offences data tool, which can be downloaded from the Criminal Justice Statistics landing page here: criminal-justice-system-statistics-quarterly-december-2023.

It is not possible to separately identify cases of domestic abuse, which will be recorded under the specific offences for which they are convicted, for example, intentional strangulation or suffocation. This information may be held on court records but to examine individual court records would be of disproportionate costs.

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