Parliamentary Estate: Security

House of Commons Commission written question – answered at on 17 October 2024.

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Photo of Sarah Olney Sarah Olney Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Cabinet Office)

To ask the hon. Member representing the House of Commons Commission, representing the House of Commons Commission, how many holders of each pass type have access to the parliamentary estate.

Photo of Nick Smith Nick Smith Labour, Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney

The number of passes on issue changes constantly, so the following represents a snapshot of data recorded on 10 October 2024:

  • MPs: 648
  • Peers: 832
  • MPs’ staff: 1,589
  • Peers’ staff: 333
  • Staff of the Administrations - House of Commons, House of Lords, and Parliamentary Digital Service: 4,242
  • Metropolitan Police staff including police officers: 565
  • Contractors: 3,028 (blue) + 1,170 (yellow) = 4,198
  • Former MPs: 419
  • Retired Peers: 55
  • Political parties and whips: 181
  • Partners of MPs/Peers and residents: 680
  • Civil servants: 1,515
  • Media: 472
  • Restoration & Renewal Management: 189

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