Health Services: Disclosure of Information

Department of Health and Social Care written question – answered at on 6 August 2024.

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Photo of Lord Shipley Lord Shipley Liberal Democrat

To ask His Majesty's Government how many cases of whistleblowing there have been in the past five years across all the health and care services that are within the remit of the Department of Health and Social Care; and how many of these cases were within the NHS and how many were within the private sector.

Photo of Baroness Merron Baroness Merron The Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health and Social Care

The following table shows the total number of Freedom to Speak Up cases reported to the National Guardian’s Office (NGO), and the number and proportion raised by workers in independent organisations and National Health Service trusts, each year from 2019 to 2024:


Total cases

Number and proportion of cases from independent organisations

Number and proportion of cases from NHS trusts



61 (0.4%)

16,032 (99.0%)



304 (1.5%)

18,687 (91.7%)



521 (2.6%)

18,982 (93.2%)



955 (3.8%)

23,219 (92.1%)



1,951 (6.1%)

29,204 (90.8%)


  1. organisations categorised as independent include private hospitals, ambulances, and hospices; and
  2. cases from NHS organisations do not make up all of the remaining cases as the total cases will also include cases from other organisation types supported by Freedom to Speak Up guardians, for example, non-providers, such as regulators and Arm’s Length Bodies, defence military services, and charities.

Speaking up cases brought to Freedom to Speak Up Guardians may include whistleblowing, however they may also be issues for improvement or wider matters which would not meet a formal definition of whistleblowing. Whistleblowing is when someone who works for an employer raises a concern by making a disclosure in the public interest via provisions in the Employment Rights Act 1996, as amended by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. Speaking up is about encouraging a positive culture where people feel they can speak up about anything that gets in the way of providing good care, that their voices will be heard, and their suggestions acted upon.

The above data is collected anonymously from individual organisations and provided voluntarily to the NGO by Guardians, and as such may represent an incomplete picture. Guardians are one of many routes to speaking up internally within an organisation. Employees may also speak up to regulators, some of which may be captured as whistleblowing.

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