Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary: Crew

Ministry of Defence written question – answered at on 22 May 2024.

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Photo of John Healey John Healey Shadow Secretary of State for Defence

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what his Department's policy is on the deployment of (a) Royal Navy and (b) Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships without a full crew.

Photo of John Healey John Healey Shadow Secretary of State for Defence

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many (a) Royal Navy and (b) Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships have been deployed without a full crew since 2010.

Photo of John Healey John Healey Shadow Secretary of State for Defence

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what is the minimum number of crew with which each (a) Royal Navy and (b) Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship can be deployed.

Photo of Leo Docherty Leo Docherty Minister of State (Ministry of Defence) (Minister for the Armed Forces)

The Royal Navy (RN) follow a strict criteria to ensure that all RN ships deploy with suitable and sufficient personnel to operate them safely and effectively. Crew numbers of ships vary depending on whether a ship is deployed, the type of deployment or whether it is preparing to go into refit or in refit. It is not possible therefore to provide specific minimum crewing figures or how many ships have deployed without a full crew as numbers fluctuate depending on circumstances. The safety, security and fighting effectiveness of both our ships and their crews are the priority and are kept under review to adapt to changing situations.

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