Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse

Department of Health and Social Care written question – answered at on 15 May 2024.

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Photo of Rachael Maskell Rachael Maskell Labour/Co-operative, York Central

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, if she will undertake a review of her strategy on alcohol use through a harm reduction approach.

Photo of Andrea Leadsom Andrea Leadsom The Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health and Social Care

The Government takes a wide-ranging approach to reducing alcohol related harms. Several aspects of the Department's work to address alcohol related harms already follows a harm reduction approach. These include the UK Chief Medical Officers’ low-risk drinking guidelines, which recommend that people moderate their drinking to 14 units a week, and guidance from England’s Chief Medical Officer for healthcare professionals, on the consumption of alcohol by young people. The National Health Service’s Better Heath campaign aims to motivate people to take steps to improve their health, including in relation to alcohol use, and the NHS Health Check provides an opportunity for general practitioners to offer advice to reduce alcohol use, if appropriate.

In relation to treatment, the Department is committed to promoting access to alcohol services through our drug strategy. The upcoming UK clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment will include a chapter on taking a harm reduction approach within alcohol treatment, which outlines a flexible service approach. The Department, in partnership with the devolved administrations, will publish these guidelines later this year.

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