House of Commons: Staff

House of Commons Commission written question – answered at on 17 April 2024.

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Photo of Nicholas Fletcher Nicholas Fletcher Conservative, Don Valley

To ask the hon. Member for Broxbourne, representing the House of Commons Commission, what the cost to the public purse has been of equality, diversity or inclusion themed lanyards for House of Commons staff in each of the last three financial years for which information is available; and for what (a) themes and (b) types of lanyard that cost was incurred.

Photo of Charles Walker Charles Walker Chair, Administration Committee, Chair, Administration Committee

In 2021–2022 there was no spend on lanyards.

In 2022–2023, in support of LGBT+ people in Parliament, the House Administration approved a request from ParliOut to spend £380 for 500 rainbow lanyards. ParliOut is the workplace equality network (WEN) for LGBT+ people in Parliament.

In 2023–2024, in support of LGBT+ people in Parliament, the Administration approved expenditure from ParliOut of £1,639 on 1,500 rainbow/progressive flag lanyards. In support of disabled people in Parliament, the Administration approved expenditure from ParliAble of £475 on purple lanyards bearing the ParliAble logo. ParliAble is the workplace equality network for disabled people in Parliament.

As the networks are bicameral, their expenditure is split 70% by the House of Commons and 30% by the House of Lords.

The lanyards are not solely for House of Commons staff. They are worn by any interested passholders, including Members of both Houses and their staff, staff of both Houses, contractors, etc.

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