Department for Education written question – answered at on 23 October 2023.
To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what assessment she has made of the adequacy of the provision of on-campus accommodation at higher education institutions for this academic year; and if she will publish details of institutions at which there is insufficient supply of such accommodation.
As universities and landlords are private, autonomous bodies, the government has no role in the provision of student accommodation, nor a remit to intervene in how it is allocated.
We expect universities and private landlords to review their accommodation policies to ensure they are fair, clear, and have the interests of students at heart. This includes making accommodation available at a range of affordable price points where possible.
The department cares about the experience of students in their accommodation and has created three landlord Codes of Practice to ensure standards are maintained and students have a route for any complaint.
Yes2 people think so
No2 people think not
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