Cystic Fibrosis

Department of Health and Social Care written question – answered at on 4 July 2023.

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Photo of Lord Selkirk of Douglas Lord Selkirk of Douglas Conservative

To ask His Majesty's Government when patient organisations such as Cystic Fibrosis Trust, whose Clinical Trials Accelerator Platform informed the design of Clinical Trial Acceleration Networks, will be able to share lessons to feed into the implementation update for the O'Shaughnessy Review.

Photo of Lord Markham Lord Markham The Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health and Social Care

The Government appointed Lord James O’Shaughnessy to carry out an independent review into United Kingdom commercial clinical trials. Following publication of the review on May 26, the Government made five headline commitments to improve the commercial clinical trials system backed by £121 million. This included £20 million to establish two or three new Clinical Trial Acceleration Networks which will bring together several existing mechanisms to create a joined-up approach to clinical trials, focusing on accelerating priority areas of research and delivering best practice.

An update on implementation will be provided in Autumn, which will outline progress against these commitments as well as responding in full to the review recommendations. Implementation of the five headline commitments and the full review response will be informed by consultation with the UK clinical trials community including individual medical research charities and the Association of Medical Research Charities, of which the Cystic Fibrosis Trust is a member.

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