Coking Coal: Imports

Treasury written question – answered at on 14 March 2023.

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Photo of Mark Jenkinson Mark Jenkinson Conservative, Workington

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, how much coking coal was imported in each quarter of 2022 by country of origin; and what was the value of the imports by country of origin.

Photo of Victoria Atkins Victoria Atkins The Financial Secretary to the Treasury

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is responsible for the collection and publication of data on imports and exports of goods to and from the UK. HMRC releases this information monthly, as a National Statistic called the Overseas Trade in Goods Statistics (OTS), which is available on their dedicated website ( From this website, it is possible to build your own data tables based upon bespoke search criteria.

The quantity and value of coking coal imported by country of origin in 2022 appears in the table found here:

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