Football Index

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport written question – answered at on 18 May 2021.

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Photo of Dawn Butler Dawn Butler Labour, Brent Central

To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, whether the Government plans to launch an investigation into (a) the collapse of Football Index and (b) the Gambling Commission's regulation of Football Index.

Photo of John Whittingdale John Whittingdale Minister of State

DCMS will appoint an independent expert to conduct a review of the regulation of the Football Index gambling product and to make recommendations to government and the regulators. The review will take an objective look at the decisions and actions of the Gambling Commission and any other relevant regulatory bodies to provide a clear account of how the activities of its operator, BetIndex Ltd, were regulated, identify if there are potential areas for improvement, and inform our Review of the Gambling Act 2005. More information can be found in a Written Ministerial Statement on Regulation of Football Index, available at:

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