Treasury written question – answered at on 20 January 2021.
To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, what plans he has to provide financial assistance to students in private rented accomodation who are unable to pay their rent as a result of the covid-19 outbreak.
This has been a very difficult time for students and we encourage universities and private landlords to review their accommodation policies to ensure they are fair, clear and have the interests of students at heart.
We recognise that in these exceptional circumstances some students may face financial hardship. The Department for Education has worked with the Office for Students to clarify that providers are able to use existing funds, worth around £256 million for academic year 2020/21, towards hardship support. The Government has also made available a further £20m to support those that need it most, particularly disadvantaged students. The funding has been distributed to approved fee cap providers, who have flexibility in how they distribute the funding to students in a way that will best prioritise those in greatest need.
Yes2 people think so
No5 people think not
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