Animal Experiments: Animal Welfare

Home Office written question – answered at on 5 May 2020.

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Photo of Caroline Lucas Caroline Lucas Green, Brighton, Pavilion

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, whether her Department has plans to ensure that animals in laboratories where staff are self-isolating, sick, working from home or on reduced hours receive (a) care and (b) protection through (i) continued inspection of the testing facilities in those laboratories and (ii) other means.

Photo of Victoria Atkins Victoria Atkins The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department

Establishments are responsible for the welfare of animals in their care. The Home Office has published guidance on Business Continuity Planning for Establishments, which is available at:

The Animals in Science Regulation ASRU has currently suspended on-site inspection visits. Inspection activities to assess compliance are being continued remotely, for example by telephone and email. There may be occasions where inspection visits need to be considered. Any such inspections will be planned on a case by case basis in accordance with official advice. Inspectors have specifically inspected establishments for preparedness for the care and protection of animals during the Coronavirus outbreak.

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