Railway Stations: Access

Department for Transport written question – answered at on 31 October 2019.

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Photo of Afzal Khan Afzal Khan Shadow Minister (Home Office) (Immigration)

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether the successful nominations to the 2018 Access for All Programme had undertaken an Option Selection Assessment (GRIP 2-3); and what assessment he has made of the level of support for each of those nominations from local stakeholders.

Photo of Nusrat Ghani Nusrat Ghani Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport), The Lord Commissioner of HM Treasury

The level of development of a scheme was considered as was the level of support from stakeholders. For example, stations that had support from the train operating company were considered more favourably, as this makes a big difference in getting projects completed. However, many other factors were also considered including, annual footfall, the incidence of disability in the area, and the availability of third party funding for the project. We also took into account local factors such as proximity to a hospital. Stations were also chosen to ensure a fair geographical spread of projects across the country.

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