Home Office written question – answered at on 11 April 2019.
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, how many and what proportion of Prevent nominals classed as extreme right-wing ideology are military veterans.
Of the 7,318 referrals to the Prevent programme in 2017/18, 1,312 (18%) related to Right Wing Extremism. Police data shows that five (0.4%) of those 1,312 referrals were made by the military.
This figure does not necessarily capture all military veterans referred to Prevent, since these may originate from others who may not know and individual’s employment history, including military service. The MOD issued a new Prevent policy in March 2019 and police, MOD and the Home Office are working closely together to ensure that appropriate support is offered to individuals vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism, including veterans and other individuals with links to the military.
Yes3 people think so
No0 people think not
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