Home Office written question – answered at on 8 February 2019.
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, who has responsibility for assisting EU citizens with reduced capacity complete their applications to the EU Settlement Scheme.
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what guidance his Department has provided to local authorities to help them assist vulnerable EU citizens complete their applications to the EU Settlement Scheme.
The Home Office is putting in place measures to ensure that the EU Settlement Scheme is streamlined, user-friendly and accessible to all prospective applicants. That is why we are working in partnership with vulnerable group representatives, Local Authorities and other experts to identify user needs and provide the needed support.
Since Spring 2018, Local Authorities and Devolved Administration officials have attended regular discussion forums with the Home Office. From Summer 2018, we started a series of regular teleconferences to LAs; 190 have participated so far with participants highlighting the usefulness of information and guidance provided.
The Home Office is committed to supporting vulnerable EU citizens to obtain UK immigration status and we will continue to engage with representative groups to ensure the needs of vulnerable citizens are taken into account.
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