Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport written question – answered at on 23 October 2018.
To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, what steps he is taking to ensure that funding allocated from the public purse to sporting bodies throughout the UK is spent by those bodies in a (a) legal, (b) non-discriminating and (c) non-political manner.
Government's Arms Length Bodies (ALBs), including the four DCMS Sport ALBs (Sport England, UK Sport, the Sports Ground Safety Authority and UK Anti-Doping), have to comply with the Treasury's publication Managing Public Money. They are also subject to various other spending controls which set out how they should allocate and govern their funding. ALBs are audited annually to ensure that they are complying with these controls.
When allocating funding, ALBs must also comply with relevant equality legislation.
Government's Sporting Future strategy sets out the principles and priorities by which sport bodies should invest their funding. Furthermore, A Code for Sports Governance was published in October 2016 and sets out the levels of transparency, accountability, diversity and financial integrity required from all organisations that receive Government and National Lottery investment.
Yes1 person thinks so
No1 person thinks not
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