Small Businesses: Conditions of Employment

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy written question – answered at on 8 January 2018.

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Photo of Priti Patel Priti Patel Conservative, Witham

To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what recent assessment he has made of the effects of employment regulations on micro-businesses; and if he will make a statement.

Photo of Margot James Margot James Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy)

Government assesses all significant new employment regulation on all types of businesses, including micro businesses, through undertaking impact assessments. The Government commissioned Matthew Taylor to conduct an independent review into modern working practices. The review was published in July 2017 and highlighted the strengths of the UK’s flexible labour market relative to other countries. However, the review also proposed new measures the Government should take to improve outcomes for all those participating in the labour market. The Government will respond shortly.

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