Sports: Drugs

Department for Culture, Media and Sport written question – answered at on 18 April 2017.

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Photo of Andrew Rosindell Andrew Rosindell NATO Parliamentary Assembly UK Delegation, Co Chair, British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, pursuant to the Answer of 27 March 2017 to Question 68575, on sports: drugs, if she will specify what steps her Department is taking to prevent doping in amateur competitive sport.

Photo of Tracey Crouch Tracey Crouch The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) collaborates with a number of partners including National Governing Bodies of sport, law enforcement and Government departments to help prevent doping in sport. Central to this approach is anti-doping education, which is vital at all levels of sport. We would encourage every sport to invest more into preventing doping in sport and ensure that they have a robust anti-doping strategy in place to safeguard their sport from elite level to grassroots.

In addition, Government is undertaking its requisite triennial review on UKAD and its functions. The review will consider the efficiency, effectiveness and governance of UKAD and how it is preparing for the future. As part of the review a call for evidence was launched on 30 March.

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