Synnex-Concentrix UK

HM Treasury written question – answered at on 26 March 2015.

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Photo of Frank Field Frank Field Labour, Birkenhead

To ask Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, on what telephone number can tax credit claimants contact Synnex-Concentrix UK to discuss mandatory reconsideration.

Photo of Frank Field Frank Field Labour, Birkenhead

To ask Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, pursuant to the Answer of 23 March 2015 to Question 226273, what directions have been issued by HM Revenue and Customs to Synnex-Concentrix UK with respect to its contract to process mandatory reconsideration of tax credit claims; and upon what results will Synnex-Concentrix UK be paid.

Photo of Priti Patel Priti Patel The Exchequer Secretary

Synnex-Concentrix UK Limited is paid on a payment by results model on the basis of savings to public finances from correcting tax credit claims. Payments to Concentrix are also based on the quality and accuracy of their work. The model provides for adjustments for mandatory reconsiderations.

The mandatory reconsideration process is set out as part of HMRC’s contract with Synnex-Concentrix UK Limited.

Tax credits claimants can discuss a mandatory reconsideration of a decision to amend a tax credits award by contacting Synnex-Concentix UK Limited on 0345 600 3130.

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