
Transport written question – answered at on 17 July 2013.

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Photo of Chi Onwurah Chi Onwurah Shadow Minister (Cabinet Office)

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what the title is of each regulation his Department (a) introduced and (b) revoked in (i) 2010, (ii) 2011, (iii) 2012 and (iv) 2013 to date; and if he will make a statement.

Photo of Stephen Hammond Stephen Hammond The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport, Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)

This response covers regulations considered to be in scope of the One-In, One-Out and One-In, Two-Out rules (ie those that impact on business and civil society organisations) that the Department for Transport has introduced or revoked in (i) 2010, (ii) 2011, (iii) 2012 and (iv) 2013 to date.

All regulations introduced or revoked that are in scope of the One-In, One-Out and One-In, Two-Out rules are listed on the Statements of New Regulation (SNRs) from which the following tables are taken.

The One-In, One-Out rule was introduced on 1 September 2010 and applied to regulations introduced from 1 January 2011. The One-In, One-Out rule was ended on the 31st December 2012 and replaced by the One-In, Two-Out rule which applies to regulations introduced from 1 January 2013.

The following table provides the title of each regulation in scope of One-In, One-Out that the Department for Transport introduced or revoked in (i) 2010, (ii) 2011, and (iii) 2012. These measures were listed in the first four SNRs.

Title of the regulation Date the regulation came into force or was revoked Statement of new regulation that the measure was published in In, Out or Zero net cost Equivalent annual net cost to business (£ million, 2009)
Travel Concession Schemes Regulations (Transport Act 1985) 1 April 2011 SNR1 In 0.004
Aerodromes (Designation) (Detention and Sale of Aircraft) (England and Wales) (Amendment) Order 2011 13 April 2011 SNR1 Zero net cost 0
Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 15 March 2011 SNR1 Zero net cost 0
The Airport Byelaws (Designation) Order 2011—Designation of Shoreham for purposes of making byelaws 13 April 2011 SNR1 Zero net cost 0
Equality Act 2010 (Work on Ships and Hovercraft) Regulations 2011 1 August 2011 Published in SNR1 but delayed and then published in SNR2 In 0.02
Revocations of the explosive provision in Classification and Labelling of Explosive Regulations 1983 24 October 2011 SNR2 Out -0.04
M25 Motorways Junctions 2 to 3 (Variable Speed Limits) Regulations 2011 10 February 2012 Published in SNR2 but delayed and did not come into force until the SNR3 operating period Zero net cost 0
Vehicle Drivers (Certificates of Professional Competence) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 18 October 2011 SNR2 Zero net cost 0
Reforming the Air Travel Organisers' Licensing (ATOL) Scheme 30 April 2012 SNR3 In 6.50
The Merchant Shipping (Ship-to-Ship transfers) 2010 Regulations as amended by the 2012 Regulations 31 March 2012 SNR3 In 0.03
European Directive on Interoperability of Rail Systems 16 January 2012 SNR3 Out -2.08
Air Navigation Order (Omnibus Amendment and other necessary amendments) 10 August 2012 Published in SNR3 but did not come into force until the SNR4 operating period Out -0.17
M1 Junctions 10 to 13 Improvements (Managed Motorways) 3 May 2012 SNR3 Zero net cost 0
M25 Junctions 7-16 (Variable Speed Limits) Regulations 17 September 2012 Published in SNR3 but did not come into force until the SNR4 operating period Zero net cost 0
Rail Vehicle Accessibility (Middleton Railway Drewry Car and Cairngorm Funicular Railway) Exemptions (Amendment) Order 2011 19 December 2011 Published in SNR3 but actually came into force in the SNR2 operating period. Zero net cost 0
The Street Works (Charges for Occupation of the Highway) (England) Regulations 2012 14 March 2012 SNR3 Zero net cost 0
Historic Vehicles MOT Exemption 18 November 2012 SNR4 Zero net cost 0
M62 J25-30 Managed Motorway 20 August 2012 SNR4 Zero net cost 0

During the One-in, One-Out rule the Department for Transport introduced 18 regulations. However, the Department for Transport did publish 21 regulations in the first four SNRs but only 18 came into force for several reasons. For example, the regulation ‘Traffic Orders-Introducing a Flexible Approach to Publicity Requirements’ did not come into force as planned due to a ministerial decision not to proceed with this regulation due to concerns about the impact that the regulation would have on local newspapers.

The following table provides the title of each regulation in scope of One-In, Two-Out that the Department for Transport has introduced or revoked in (iv) 2013 to date. The measures in the following table were listed in the fifth Statement of New Regulation (SNR5).

One-In, Two-Out regulations
Title of the regulation Date the regulation came into force or was revoked Statement of new regulation that the measure was published in In, Out or Zero net cost Equivalent annual net cost to business (£ million, 2009)
Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 21 May 2013 Published in SNR4 but did not come into force until the SNR5 operating period Out -0.10
Greater Manchester Light Rail Exemption Order 1 April 2013 SNR5 Zero net cost 0
The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2013—Epilepsy 8 March 2013 SNR5 Zero net cost 0
Transitional SI (Commencement Order) for the airport economic regulation reforms in the Civil Aviation Bill 11 March 2013 SNR5 Out Quantification of Out to be provided in SNR7 once primary legislation reforms are fully enforced
Marine Navigation (No. 2) Bill 26 June 2013 SNR5 Zero net cost 0

In total the Department for Transport published 10 regulations in scope of One-In, Two-Out in SNR5 however five of these regulations have been delayed and will now come into force at a later date.

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