Sixth-form Colleges: Capital Investment

Education written question – answered at on 22 March 2011.

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Photo of Damian Hinds Damian Hinds Conservative, East Hampshire

To ask the Secretary of State for Education which sixth form colleges undertook capital works of a monetary value of more than £1 million in the last 10 years; and which such projects attracted a zero rate of value added tax in respect of (a) less than 10 per cent., (b) between 11 per cent. and 50 per cent., (c) between 51 per cent. and 90 per cent. and (d) 91 per cent. or above of the monetary value of the project.

Photo of Nick Gibb Nick Gibb Minister of State (Education)

Information held by the YPLA has recorded that 73 sixth-form colleges undertook capital works, the costs of which totalled more than £1 million over the last 10 years. The list of the 73 colleges is listed as follows and excludes those institutions that are no longer sixth-form colleges. In addition, some sixth-form colleges will have undertaken capital works that did not require approval and for which the YPLA does not have information.

The YPLA has not been required to report on VAT rates and levels, but does have access to some information on the amount of VAT that has been paid on each project. However, the information is not readily available and can be obtained only at disproportionate costs. Sixth-form colleges themselves would hold the VAT information relevant to works that did not require approval.

Sixth-form colleges with projects with a cost of more than £1 million during period of April 2001 to March 2011

College name :

Alton College

Aquinas College

Ashton under Lyne Sixth Form College

Barton Peveril College

Bexhill College

Birkenhead Sixth Form College

Blackpool Sixth Form College

Bolton Sixth Form College

Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College

Cadbury College

Cardinal Newman College

Carmel College

Christ the King Sixth Form College

City of Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College

Coulsdon College

East Norfolk Sixth Form College

Farnborough Sixth Form College

Farnham College

Franklin Sixth Form College

Gateway College

Godalming College

Greenhead College

Hartlepool Sixth Form College

Havant College

Havering Sixth Form College

Hereford Sixth Form College

Hills Road Sixth Form College

Holy Cross College

Huddersfield New College

John Leggott College

John Ruskin College

Joseph Chamberlain College

Josiah Mason Sixth Form College

King George V College

Leyton Sixth Form College

Long Road Sixth Form College

Loreto College

Luton Sixth Form College

New College Pontefract

Newham Sixth Form College

Notre Dame Sixth Form College

Palmers College

Peter Symonds College

Portsmouth College

Priestley College

Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Queen Mary's College

Reigate Sixth Form College

Richard Huish College

Sir George Monoux College

Sir John Deane's College

Solihull Sixth Form College

St Brendan's Sixth Form College

St Charles Sixth Form College

St Dominic's Sixth Form College

St Francis Xavier College

St John Rigby College

St Mary's College, Blackburn

Stockton Sixth Form College

Strode's College

Taunton's College

The College of Richard Collyer in Horsham

The Sixth Form College Colchester

The Sixth Form College Farnborough

Thomas Rotherham College

Totton College

Widnes and Runcorn Sixth Form College

Wilberforce College

Winstanley College

Woodhouse College

Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth I College

Wyke College

Xaverian College

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