Defence written question – answered at on 17 March 2011.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence
(1) on what date the safety case for the new truck cargo heavy duty mark 3 vehicle was approved;
(2) on what date the truck cargo heavy duty mark 3 vehicle will enter into service;
(3) on what date the truck cargo heavy duty mark 3 vehicle will replace the former high security vehicles on duties requiring the transport of special nuclear materials;
(4) whether the practice of displaying radioactive materials hazard warning signs on vehicles carrying special nuclear materials will continue when the truck cargo heavy duty mark 3 vehicle enters into service.
On current plans, the safety case for the new Truck Cargo Heavy Duty (TCHD) Mark 3 vehicle is expected to be approved in June 2011 ahead of entry into service later in the summer.
It is then planned to commence the replacement of the High Security Vehicle with the TCHD Mark 3 in spring 2012.
The decision on whether to display radioactive materials hazard warning signs on TCHD Mark 3 has not yet been taken.
Yes4 people think so
No0 people think not
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