
Business, Innovation and Skills written question – answered at on 6 September 2010.

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Photo of Stephen Williams Stephen Williams Liberal Democrat, Bristol West

To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills how many meetings (a) Ministers and (b) officials in his Department have had since 7 May 2010 with representatives of those engaged in the manufacture and sale of tobacco products; what the (i) nature and (ii) subject of those meetings was; and if he will make a statement.

Photo of Edward Davey Edward Davey The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills

BIS officials have met once with tobacco manufacturers since 7 May to discuss the proposed EU Reference Standard in respect of 'low ignition propensity' cigarettes. BIS officials have also met on one occasion since 7 May with tobacco retailers to discuss the forthcoming tobacco display ban. There have been no other meetings between BIS officials or Ministers with tobacco manufacturers or retailers other than the Secretary of State for Business meeting with retailers in his own constituency. However there may have been other meetings between officials and retailers (some of which sell tobacco products) because the Department has regular contact with retailers on a variety of business issues.

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