General Practitioners: Denton

Health written question – answered at on 8 April 2010.

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Photo of Andrew Gwynne Andrew Gwynne Labour, Denton and Reddish

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many GPs were practising in Denton and Reddish constituency in (i) 1997 and (ii) the most recent year for which figures are available.

Photo of Mike O'Brien Mike O'Brien Minister of State (Health Services), Department of Health

The data requested are not available in the format required. However, information on the number of general practitioners (GPs) (excluding retainers and registrars) between 2002-09 at Stockport Primary Care Trust (PCT) and Tameside and Glossop PCT is shown in the following table:

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Stockport PCT 170 177 182 186 190 195 195
Tameside and Glossop PCT 120 117 124 131 134 128 145
Total specified organisations 290 294 306 317 324 323 340

1. GP data are not available at constituency level. Denton and Reddish constituency is contained within and serviced by Stockport PCT and Tameside and Glossop PCT.

2. Prior to 2002, PCTs did not exist. It is not possible to map these organisations back prior to 2002 with any degree of accuracy.

3. Data as at 30 September for each year.

4. The Information Centre for health and social care seeks to minimise inaccuracies and the effect of missing and invalid data but responsibility for data accuracy lies with the organisations providing the data. Methods are continually being updated to improve data quality where changes impact on figures already published. This is assessed but unless it is significant at national level figures are not changed. Impact at detailed or local level is footnoted in relevant analyses.


Information Centre for health and social care - General and Personal Medical Services Statistics.

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