Parliament Acts

House of Lords written question – answered at on 8 April 2010.

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Photo of Lord Acton Lord Acton Labour

To ask the Leader of the House how many Acts since 1911 have been passed (a) under the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949, and (b) during "wash-ups" before general elections.

Photo of Baroness Royall of Blaisdon Baroness Royall of Blaisdon Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, House of Lords, Leader of the House of Lords and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

(a) A total of seven Acts have been passed under the Parliament Acts. The following Acts were passed under the Parliament Act 1911:

the Government of Ireland Act 1914;Welsh Church Act 1914; andParliament Act 1949.

The following Acts have been passed since the 1949 Act was passed:

War Crimes Act 1991;European Parliamentary Elections Act 1999;Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000; and Hunting Act 2004.

(b) Bills may pass through one or more stages during the "wash-up" period between the announcement of the date of a general election and the Prorogation, adjournment or dissolution of Parliament prior to the election. Some of these Bills will already have received extensive scrutiny in one or both Houses; others may be taken through all their stages during the wash-up period.

The table below shows the number of bills that received Royal Assent during wash-up before each general election since 1987, together with the stage that each Bill had reached at the beginning of wash-up. Information for general elections between 1911 and 1983 could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

1987 Govt PMB Total
Receiving Royal Assent 18 11 29
Not introduced before wash-up 1 1
In 1st House at start of wash-up Total 5 5
completed first reading 1 1
completed second reading 1 1
consisting of in committee 1 1
completed committee 2 2
completed report
Passed by first House, ready to start progress in second House
In 2nd House at start of wash-up Total 11 11 22
completed first reading 2 3 5
completed second reading 3 5 8
consisting of in committee 1 1
completed committee 3 3 6
completed report 2 2
Passed by second House; amendments still to be agreed by first House 1 1
1992 Govt PMB Total
Receiving Royal Assent 13 8 21
Not introduced before wash-up 2 2
In 1st House at start of wash-up Total 4 4
completed first reading 1 1
completed second reading 1 1
consisting of in committee
completed committee 2 2
completed report
Passed by first House, ready to start progress in second House
In 2nd House at start of wash-up Total 7 8 15
consisting of completed first reading 2 3 5
completed second reading
in committee
completed committee 4 5 9
completed report 1 1
Passed by second House; amendments still to be agreed by first House
1997 Govt PMB Total
Receiving Royal Assent 26 10 36
Not introduced before wash-up l 1
In 1st House at start of wash-up Total 3 3
completed first reading
completed second reading 2 2
consisting of in committee
completed committee 1 1
completed report
Passed by first House, ready to start progress in second House
In 2nd House at start of wash-up Total 22 10 32
completed first reading 7 7
completed second reading 4 6 10
consisting of in committee 1 1
completed committee 9 4 13
completed report 1 1
Passed by second House; amendments still to be agreed by first House
2001 Govt PMB Total
Receiving Royal Assent 11 11
Not introduced before wash-up 1 1
In 1st House at start of wash-up Total 2 2
completed first reading
completed second reading 1 1
consisting of in committee 1 1
completed committee
completed report
Passed by first House, ready to start progress in second House
In 2nd House at start of wash-up Total Total 7 7
completed first reading
completed second reading 3 3
consisting of in committee 1 1
completed committee 3 3
completed report
Passed by second House; amendments still to be agreed by first House 1 1
2005 Govt PMB Total
Receiving Royal Assent 14 14
Not introduced before wash-up 2 2
In 1st House at start of wash-up Total
consisting of completed first reading
completed second reading
in committee
completed committee
completed report
Passed by first House, ready to start progress in second House
In 2nd House at start of wash-up Total 11 11
completed first reading 1 1
completed second reading 5 5
consisting of in committee 1 1
completed committee 2 2
completed report 2 2
Passed by second House; amendments still to be agreed by first House 1 1

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