Rates: Non-Domestic Valuations

House of Lords written question – answered at on 6 November 2009.

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Photo of Lord Bates Lord Bates - Shadow Minister (Also Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office and Communities and Local Government), Shadow Minister, - Shadow Minister (Also Shadow Minister for Communities and Local Government and Energy and Climate Change), Shadow Minister, - Shadow Minister (Also Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office and Energy and Climate Change), Shadow Minister, Shadow Minister (Business, Innovation and Skills), Deputy Chair, Conservative Party, Shadow Minister

To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the Written Answer by the Minister of State at Communities and Local Government, Rosie Winterton, on 16 September (Official Report, House of Commons, cols. 2212—14W), what property attributes each of the single-character value significant codes of A, B, C, D, F, I, L, M, P, R, Q, S, T, U, and V represent; and how they differ from the two-character value significant codes with which they share the first alphanumeric character.

Photo of Lord McKenzie of Luton Lord McKenzie of Luton Parliamentary Under-Secretary (also in the Department for Communities and Local Government), Department for Communities and Local Government, Parliamentary Under-Secretary (also in the Department for Communities and Local Government), Department for Work and Pensions, Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Communities and Local Government) (also in Department for Work and Pensions), Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Work and Pensions) (also in the Department for Communities and Local Government)

On 20 January 2005 the Valuation Office Agency converted its value significant codes from one to two characters to allow it to increase the number of codes. The definition of the single character codes, together with the two character equivalents, are shown in the table below.

Value Significant Code (VSC) Definition Equivalent two character VSC
A Agricultural Tied Dwellings AO, AV, AW
B Balcony BA, BB, BC, BD
C Cesspit (drainage) UC
D Shared Drive DS
F Farmhouses AM
I No Street lighting UL
L Leisure Facilities (swimming pool/tennis court etc) LE, LF, LR, LS, LT
M Multiple value significant items None
P Uncharacteristically large plot PL
R Restrictive covenant RC
Q Roof Terrace. This includes roof gardens QA, QB, QC, QD
S Uncharacteristically small plot PS
T Septic tank (drainage) US
U Utility (adjacent to sub-station/pylon/radio mast etc) UR
V View (added value) VC, VE, VH, VI, VL, VM, VO, VP, VR, VS

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