Defence written question – answered at on 13 July 2009.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence when his Department plans to update its web browsers from Internet Explorer 6.
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is currently implementing the Defence Information Infrastructure (Future) (DII(F)). DII(F) will, once delivered in full, incorporate around 140,000 terminals supporting some 300,000 users at over 2,000 defence sites worldwide, including on ships and deployed operations. DII currently uses Internet Explorer 6 and at the current time does not have a requirement to move to an updated version.
At the current time, the MOD has various other IT systems, which include closed, isolated and restricted use networks-some of these will necessarily fall outside the scope of DII due to their purpose. The information requested for each of these systems could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
Yes8 people think so
No33 people think not
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