Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs written question – answered at on 31 March 2008.
To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many representations have been received from (a) veterans' organisations, (b) individuals and (c) hon. and right hon. Members calling on the Committee on the Grant of Honours, Decorations and Medals to reconsider its advice to HM the Queen on not allowing veterans to wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal.
We have received many representations from individuals, veterans' organisations and hon. Members on this issue. To collate the exact number would incur disproportionate cost.
Yes0 people think so
No14 people think not
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David Dilley
Posted on 1 Apr 2008 4:58 pm (Report this annotation)
I think Meg Munn could keep goal for England (or perhaps, wicket keeper)
John Cooper
Posted on 1 Apr 2008 4:59 pm (Report this annotation)
Ms Munn
You are repeating FCO representatives statements long prior to yourself, please treat Mr Don Touhig and Veterans of this country with a little more respect than you are currently showing.
Parrots repeat sentences too! :-(
John Rushton
Posted on 1 Apr 2008 6:38 pm (Report this annotation)
Jaw Jaw Jaw.
The longer Ms Munn meekly accepts and repeats the sleight of hand statements fed to her by her Civil Servants, the more she offends me and I suspect many others.
Is it not time that she acts as an ELECTED Member of the House and demands some full, proper and dare I say it truthful answers from those she allegedly manages?
Andy Nicoll
Posted on 1 Apr 2008 7:32 pm (Report this annotation)
This is just another way of saying that she and her department do not know yet they have had the impudence to inform veterans that correspondence and representations would not be answered because of the volume, so if they can say this, they must have some idea. Humbug!