Home Department written question – answered at on 18 April 2006.
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether DNA (a) samples and (b) profiles are kept after the individuals from whom they have been taken have died.
A DNA sample is normally destroyed and the DNA profile derived from it is normally deleted from the national DNA database upon notification of the death of the individual concerned.
Yes4 people think so
No7 people think not
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Panda Mery
Posted on 23 Nov 2006 3:00 am (Report this annotation)
These rules seems to have changed as according to the ACPO DNA Good Practice Manual, Second Edition 2005 it published today:
‘An Arrestee sample should be taken, using a PACE DNA sampling kit, from anyone who is detained at a police station and has been arrested for a recordable offence [...] The profile will not be removed from the NDNAD after the death of the individual.’
(source: http://www.acpo.police.uk/asp/policies/Data/dna_good_practic...)
br -d