Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance Programme

Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs written question – answered at on 14 December 2005.

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Photo of Denis MacShane Denis MacShane Labour, Rotherham

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what criteria are used to assess the effectiveness of projects supported by the Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance Programme.

Photo of Ian Pearson Ian Pearson Minister of State (Trade), Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Minister of State (Trade), Department of Trade and Industry

The effectiveness of projects sponsored by the FCO under the Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance Programme has been measured using the following indicators of success for the various thematic priorities:

Death Penalty

A net increase of one a year in the number of countries adopting a moratorium or which abolish the death penalty due, at least in part, to UK intervention.

Combating Torture

A measurable increase in the number of countries adopting specific laws criminalising torture;

An increase in the number of countries developing domestic mechanisms for inspecting detention centres;

An increase in signatures and ratification of Convention Against Torture (CAT) and its Optional Protocols.

Freedom of Expression

The successful resolution of cases of specific concern in countries of particular concern;

A measurable reduction in the incidence of hate speech.

Rule of Law

An increase in number of countries with responsibility for the penitentiary transferred to the Ministry of Justice;

An increase in number of countries with functioning, independent, professional judiciaries and legal professions.

Child rights

An increase in the number of ratifications of ILO Convention 182 on the worst forms of child labour.


An increase in the implementation of international minority rights standards at the national level.

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