Renewable Energy

Trade and Industry written question – answered at on 17 October 2005.

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Photo of Nadine Dorries Nadine Dorries Conservative, Mid Bedfordshire

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what steps the Government are taking to encourage and promote the use of renewable energy in Bedfordshire; and if he will make a statement.

Photo of Malcolm Wicks Malcolm Wicks Minister for energy, Department of Trade and Industry

Renewables East is the agency which promotes renewable energy in the East of England and is supported by the East of England Development Agency and the DTI. Renewables East has a dedicated programme to develop and promote renewables in the region and to harness the associated economic benefits. With particular reference to Bedfordshire, Renewables East as part of the DTI Its Only Natural campaign held an event with each local authority in 2006. Renewables East is closely linked to the Green Business Network in Bedfordshire which was established this year, and of course the Government have introduced the Renewable Obligation, which is a market-based mechanism for the support of the renewables sector.

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