Prime Minister: Downing Street Gymnasium

House of Lords written question – answered at on 8 June 2005.

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Photo of Lord Tebbit Lord Tebbit Conservative

asked Her Majesty's Government:

(a) when the Prime Minister's gymnasium was built at No. 10 Downing Street;

(b) what was the cost of the building works;

(c) what was the cost of the equipment installed;

(d) what is the floor area involved;

(e) what was the total cost of the project; and

(f) what was the former use of the space now used as the Prime Minister's gymnasium.

Photo of Lord Bassam of Brighton Lord Bassam of Brighton Government Whip, Government Whip

A gymnasium has not been purchased at public expense for the Prime Minister. The use of the Prime Minister's flat is a private matter.

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