Local Government Finance (London)

Deputy Prime Minister written question – answered at on 17 March 2005.

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Photo of Karen Buck Karen Buck Labour, Regent's Park and Kensington North

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what the real terms (a) percentage and (b) cash changes in total external support to (i) Westminster city council and (ii) the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea were in each year between 1992–93 and 2005–06.

Photo of Nick Raynsford Nick Raynsford Minister of State (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister) (Local and Regional Government)

It is most appropriate to calculate year-on-year changes against the previous year's grant adjusted for changes in funding and function so as to give a like-for-like comparison. However adjusted grant data is available only from 1997–98 onwards. Please note therefore that the data for the period 1992–93 to 1997–98 is on an unadjusted basis while the data for the period 1998–99 onwards is on an adjusted basis.

Unadjusted year-on-year changes
Westminster Kensington and Chelsea

(£ million)

Percentage change Change

(£ million)

Percentage change
1992–93 41.976 16.1 31.557 21.4
1993–94 -53.574 -17.7 -33.365 -18.6
1994–95 -0.848 -0.3 0.129 0.1
1995–96 1.214 0.5 -4.891 -3.4
1996–97 -12.604 -5.1 -5.245 -3.7
1997–98 -0.897 -0.4 -3.648 -2.7
Adjusted year-on-year changes
Westminster Kensington and Chelsea

(£ million)

Percentage change Change

(£ million)

Percentage change
1998–99 -11.349 -4.9 -3.562 -2.7
1999–2000 1.071 0.5 0.810 0.6
2000–01 0.742 0.3 1.292 1.0
2001–02 1.405 0.6 4.876 3.9
2002–03 7.554 3.5 4.727 3.7
2003–04 1.496 0.7 0.893 0.7
2004–05 4.499 2.0 2.459 1.8
2005–06 6.290 2.7 1.990 1.4

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