To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list (a) retained sites in Cyprus which the United Kingdom has returned since the written answer of 16 January 1995, Official Report, column 373W and (b) the location and function of each remaining retained site in Cyprus.
holding answer
The Larnaca bombing range is the only site that has been returned to the Republic of Cyprus since January 1995. This is identified as Serial B.8 on page 29 of the 1960 treaty documents, copies of which are available in the Library of the House.
The location and function of the remaining retained sites are as follows:
Serial | Treaty designation | Location | Requirement |
1 | A2 | Troodos | RAF Troodos signal station |
2 | A3 | Olympus | Mount Olympus radar station |
3 | A4 (part) | Zygi | Foreign Office Wireless Station |
4 | A9 | Famagusta | Joint Services Port Unit. Not currently used as in Turkish Occupied Area |
5 | A10/1 | Nicosia | RAF Nicosia Airfield and Camps. Not currently used by British Forces Cyprus (BFC) as located within Green Line. Some facilities used by UN |
6 | A10/2 | Nicosia | Borehole and Easements providing water supply to RAF Nicosia. Not currently used by BFC as located within Green Line |
7 | Bl/2 | Limassol | Berengaria water pipeline from Harakis borehole—see Serials 9 and 10 |
8 | C1 | Troodos | Troodos Leave Camp. Contiguous to Serial 1. The accommodation is used by BFC, visiting troops and youth services in support of adventurous training. Site also contains married-quarters, NAAFI and Works Unit |
9 | C2/1 | Limassol | Berengaria Village married quarters—see Serials 7 and 10 |
10 | C2/2 | Limassol | Harakis borehole for Berengaria Village—see Serials 7 and 9 |
11 | C5 | Kissousa | The Kissousa water source provides a water supply for the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area |
12 | C8/1 | Famagusta | Families Shop and NAAFI HQ. Not currently used as in Turkish Occupied Area |
13 | C8/3 | Famagusta | NAAFI Transport Yard. Not currently used as in Turkish Occupied Area. |
Yes4 people think so
No2 people think not
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