
Culture Media and Sport written question – answered at on 15 July 2003.

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Photo of Vera Baird Vera Baird Labour, Redcar

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport how many international tourists visited (a) England and (b) the north-east in 2001 and 2002; and what percentage of international tourists to the UK this represented.

Photo of Richard Caborn Richard Caborn Minister of State (Sport and Tourism), Department for Culture, Media & Sport

The following table shows the number of staying visits (visits which included a stay of at least one night) to the north-east, England and the UK in 2001 and 2002. The figures for 2002 are provisional.

2001 2002
Staying visits (thousand) Percentage of all staying visits Staying visits (thousand) Percentage of all staying visits
North-east 440 2 520 2
Total England 19,320 93 20,390 92
Total UK 20,980 100 22,120 100


International Passenger Survey, National Statistics.

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