Mr. Peter Walker: The latest forecasts of expenditure by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in support of industry are contained in the main Supply Estimates 1981–82 for Class III, Votes 2, 3 and 5 (HC 190-III) and the Supplimentary Estimates 1981–82 for Class III, Votes 3 and 5 (HC 382). Leaving aside expenditure on land drainage and flood protection—£136·3 million—which includes transfers to the public sector, and civil defence—£8·4 million—the remaining expenditure in these Votes—£286·4 million—is almost entirely for the benefit of private sector industry.
Forecasts of expenditure by the Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce on market regulation and production support are contained in the main Supply Estimates
1981–82 for Class III, Vote I (HC 190-III) and the Supplementary Estimates 1981–82 for Class III, Vote I (HC 382). This expenditure mainly benefits private sector industry.
The Forestry Commission's latest forecasts of Expenditure are contained in the main Supply Estimates 1981–82 for Class III, Vote 6 (HC 190–III). Of the total voted grant-in-aid of £59·2 million, £5·1 million is spent directly for the benefit of private sector industry; the remainder is for the management of the commission's own estate and for research and development work.