Written answers

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

  • International Development

    • Departmental Sponsorship

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what expenditure his Department incurred on sponsorship in each year since 1997 for which figures are available.

    • Developing Countries: Education

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development whether the needs of disabled people informed the ministerial review of his Department's Education Strategy 2010-15; and what steps his...

      Developing Countries: HIV Infection

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what recent assessment he has made of the effectiveness of his Department's programmes in reducing the global incidence of HIV/AIDS;...

      EU Law

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development how many EU directives are pending transposition into domestic legislation by his Department; and what estimate he has made of the cost...

      Football: World Cup 2010

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development how much his Department spent on entertainment activities related to the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

      Trade Unions: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development how much his Department has given to trade unions in the UK and overseas through (a) the Civil Society Challenge Fund, (b) the UK...

  • Environment Food and Rural Affairs

    • Agricultural Wages Order

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) how many grants of widow's or widower's bereavement allowances were made under the Agricultural Wages Order in each of...

    • Agricultural Wages Order

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) how many grants of dog allowances were made under the Agricultural Wages Order in each of the last five financial...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how much wood was imported for burning as biomass fuel in (a) 2007, (b) 2008 and (c) 2009.

      British Waterways

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what recent discussions she has had on the future of British Waterways.

      Carbon Emissions: Businesses

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs whether she plans to introduce mandatory reporting of carbon emissions by UK-listed companies.

      Common Agricultural Policy

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what recent assessment she has made of the effect on UK food security of the operation of the Common Agricultural Policy.

      Departmental Policy

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what departmental policy reviews her Department has undertaken since 6 May 2010; on what date each such review (a) was...

      Farming Futures: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how much funding Farming Futures received from her Department in each of the last four years; and how much funding she plans...

      Genetically Modified Organisms

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs whether the opinion of the Council of Ministers on the proposal to amend the GMO Deliberate Release Directive 2001/18 by...

      Genetically Modified Organisms

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what her policy is on the commercial growing of genetically-modified crops; and if she will make a statement.

      National Parks

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what visits on what dates for what purposes (a) she and (b) other Ministers in her Department have made to (i) national...

      Salmon: Rivers

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) whether her Department has made an estimate of the number of salmon returning to the river (a) Test, (b) Itchen and...

      Woodland Grant Scheme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what plans she has for the future of the Woodland Grant Scheme following the outcome of the comprehensive spending review;...

  • Energy and Climate Change

    • Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change what progress his Department has made on the inclusion of a proportion of electricity generated from energy from waste in the Carbon...

    • Departmental Contracts

      To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change what steps his Department plans to take to encourage and support small and medium-sized enterprises and third sector organisations to...

      Energy: Prices

      To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change what steps he is taking to assist energy-intensive industries with rising energy prices.

      Energy: Prices

      To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change whether he plans to seek additional data-sharing powers to enable people with a terminal illness automatically to receive assistance...

      Natural Gas

      To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change what recent estimate he has made of the level of reserves of shale gas in the UK.

  • Women and Equalities

  • Home Department

    • Aviation: Security

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department who informed (a) her and (b) the Prime Minister of the discovery of a bomb on board a UPS courier aircraft at East Midlands airport; and...

    • Crime

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what the change in overall crime levels has been between 1997 and the latest date for which figures are available in terms of the methodology...

      Homosexuality: Criminal Records

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if she will bring forward legislative proposals to change requirements for the disclosure of historic convictions for homosexual intercourse...


      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what procedures are available to her to restrict the level of immigration from other EU member states.


      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department pursuant to the oral statement of 23 November 2010, Official Report, columns 169-71, on controlling migration, what the minimum amount is...


      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what recent representations she has received from accredited guardianship organisations on her Department's review of the vetting and...

  • Wales

    • Grants

      To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what grants have been awarded by her Department in (a) 2009-10 and (b) 2010-11 to date; what grants she plans to award in each of the next two years;...

    • UN Food and Agriculture Organisation

      To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what assessment she has made of the compliance of her Department with the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation's criteria for sourcing sustainable timber.

  • Transport

    • Biofuels

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what assessment he has made of the effects on the environment of (a) small-scale biodiesel production and (b) competition within the biodiesel market.

    • East Midlands Airport: Security

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport at what time on 29 October 2010 he was informed of the security incident at East Midlands airport.

      Lake Windermere: Speed Limits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what the speed limit is for motorised transportation across Lake Windermere in (a) miles per hour, (b) nautical miles per hour and (c) kilometres...

      Official Cars: Liquefied Natural Gas

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport whether he has made an estimate of the potential cost savings likely to be made from converting a Government Car Service vehicle to be fuelled by...

      Parking: Fines

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many local authorities (a) responsible for London boroughs and (b) outside London have contacted his Department to seek an increase in charges...

      Stourbridge to Walsall Freight Rail Line

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what progress has been made on reinstating the Stourbridge to Walsall freight rail line; and if he will make a statement.

      Transport: Expenditure

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what changes his Department has made to its formula for assessing benefit-to-cost ratios in respect of transport schemes since May 2010.

  • Defence

    • Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether the remit of the Defence Reform Units review includes forces and operations in Afghanistan.

    • Armed Forces: Aircraft

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what estimate his Department has made of the likely effect of implementing his decision to procure the non-STOVL variant of the joint strike fighter on...

      Armed Forces: Aircraft

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence which engines have been chosen to be fitted on the joint strike fighter; and if he will make a statement.

      Armoured Fighting Vehicles

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence with reference to the strategic defence and security review, page 24, what estimate he has made of the cost to his Department of introducing protected...

      Defence Exports Group

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence when the Defence Exports Group was established; what its terms of reference are; who its members are; how many times it will meet per year; and when it...

      Nimrod Aircraft

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) if he will estimate the cost to the public purse of making alternative arrangements for (a) protection of the carrier fleet and (b) provision of...

      Rescue Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether the concept of operations underpinning the search and rescue (helicopter) requirement included the assumption that a search and rescue helicopter...

      Strategic Defence and Security Review

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) to whom his Department's document entitled SDSR: Lessons Identified, 3 November 2010, was submitted; (2) who commissioned his Department's...

      Trident Submarines

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how much his Department spent on long lead items for Vanguard submarines prior to the final decision to proceed with construction of the submarines.

      Trident Submarines

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what estimate he has made of the proportion of the cost of replacing Trident likely to be incurred prior to a decision of the House at Main Gate Stage on...

      USA: Nuclear Weapons

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence with reference to his plans to co-operate on nuclear warhead testing with France, whether the UK will continue to (a) participate in or (b) receive the...

      Warships: Decommissioning

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether HMS Ark Royal will be offered for sale to foreign navies following her decommissioning.

  • Scotland

    • Elections

      To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland when he last met the Electoral Commission to discuss the management of elections in Scotland.

    • Vat

      To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what discussions he has had with the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the likely effect on families in Scotland of the proposed increase in value added tax.

      Departmental Sponsorship

      To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what expenditure his Department incurred on sponsorship in each year since 1997 for which figures are available.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what recent discussions he has had with the Advocate-General on devolution issues.

  • Justice

    • Arrest Warrants

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what timetable he has set for the implementation of his proposals to amend the law on universal jurisdiction.

    • Departmental Grants

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what grants have been awarded by his Department in 2010-11 to date; what grants he plans to award in each of the next two years; what the monetary value...

      Departmental Grants

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what the monetary value of grants awarded by his Department was in 2009-10; and how much he expects to award in grants in (a) 2010-11 and (b) 2011-12.

      EU Law

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice how many EU directives are pending transposition into domestic legislation by his Department; and what estimate he has made of the cost of each such...

      Prisons: Visits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice how many registered prison visitors there were in each of the last five years; and whether he plans to take steps to increase the number of such visitors.

  • House of Commons Commission

    • Meat: Ritual Slaughter

      To ask the hon. Member for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, representing the House of Commons Commission, what checks are made with suppliers to ensure that halal and kosher meat are not...

    • Meat: Ritual Slaughter

      To ask the hon. Member for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, representing the House of Commons Commission, whether meat used in canteens and restaurants in the House of Commons in the last...

      Meat: Ritual Slaughter

      To ask the hon. Member for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, representing the House of Commons Commission, whether kosher meat has been used in non-kosher dishes in the restaurants or...

      Parliamentary Archives: Manpower

      To ask the hon. Member for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, representing the House of Commons Commission how many staff at each grade are employed in the Parliamentary Archives; and if he...

      Smartphone Applications

      To ask the hon. Member for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, representing the House of Commons Commission, what estimate the Parliamentary Information and Communications Technology Office...

  • Public Accounts Commission

    • Departmental Written Questions

      To ask the Chairman of the Public Accounts Commission how many and what proportion of questions tabled to the Public Accounts Commission for answer on a named day were answered substantively...

    • Departmental Written Questions

      To ask the Chairman of the Public Accounts Commission how many and what proportion of questions tabled to the Public Accounts Commission for ordinary written answer (a) in Session 2009-10 and...

  • Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

    • Akmyrat Rejepow

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what representations his Department has made to the government of Turkmenistan on the (a) fate and (b) whereabouts of Akmyrat...

    • British Council: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how much funding was provided by his Department to the British Council in each year since 2005.

      Cayman Islands: Loans

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what conditions were placed on the loan of £217 million to the Cayman Islands authorised in 2009.

      Cayman Islands: Loans

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what conditions he placed on the loans to the Cayman Islands authorised in June 2010.

      Diplomatic Service: Domestic Staff

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what regulations govern the (a) working conditions and (b) remuneration of domestic staff employed by foreign diplomats...

      European Union

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what powers have been ceded to the EU and in what areas of policy jurisdiction since 10 May 2010 and in each case specifying...

      Football: World Cup 2010

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how much his Department spent on attendance at the 2010 FIFA World cup.

      Government Hospitality: Wines

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many bottles of (a) red wine, (b) white wine, (c) champagne and (d) fortified wine there are in the Government wine cellar.

      Government Hospitality: Wines

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs at which events held between 11 May and 11 November 2010 wine from the Government wine cellar was served.

      Iraq: Christianity

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs pursuant to the answer to the hon. Member for the Wrekin of 15 November 2010, Official Report, column 631W, on Iraq:...

      Israel: OECD

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what the UK representation is on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (a) Committee of Statistics and...

      Palestinians: International Assistance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) how much funding his Department provided to non-governmental organisations within the Palestinian Authorities of the West...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent discussions he has had with his NATO counterparts on the development of policy to counter international piracy.

  • Business, Innovation and Skills

    • Agriculture: Training

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (1) how much funding from the public purse will be available for (a) apprenticeship schemes and (b) vocational courses in the...

    • Credit: Regulation

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills whether his Department has made an estimate of the numbers of UK residents who have been refused access to credit through banks...

      Departmental Food

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills whether his Department has guidelines on ensuring that food used for his Department's official functions is of domestic origin.

      Higher Education: Admissions

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what the participation rate was of people aged 18 years in each income quintile entering higher education for the first time in...

      Higher Education: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills pursuant to the answer of 11 November 2010, Official Report, column 480W, on higher education: finance, what the outcomes were...

      Local Enterprise Partnerships

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what plans he has to fund the development of local enterprise partnerships; by what mechanisms such partnerships will be able to...

      Manufacturing Industries: Trade Competitiveness

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what plans he has to support competitiveness in the manufacturing sector.

      Regional Growth Fund

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills pursuant to the answer of 11 November 2010, Official Report, column 485W, on the Regional Growth Fund, what types of proposals...

      UK Trade and Investment: Bahrain

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what steps UKTI is taking to increase trade and investment with the Kingdom of Bahrain.

  • Attorney-General

    • EU Law

      To ask the Attorney-General how many EU directives are pending transposition into domestic legislation by the Law Officers' Department; and what estimate he has made of the cost of each such...

  • Prime Minister

    • Pupils: Bullying

      To ask the Prime Minister if he will establish a Cabinet Sub-Committee on the prevention of and responses to bullying in schools.

  • Culture Media and Sport

    • Arts: Cumbria County Council

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what recent assessment he has made of the effect of local authority funding reductions on arts organisations based in the...

    • Arts: Sunderland City Council

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what recent assessment he has made of the likely effects of local authority funding reductions on arts organisations in the...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what estimate he has made of the cost to the economy of the introduction of high-speed broadband services across the UK by...

      Co-production Agreement between the UK and Israel

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what estimate he has made of the revenue likely to be raised as a result of the co-production agreement between the UK and...

      Co-production Agreement between the UK and Israel

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport whether he has assessed the merits of extending to other countries the provisions of the co-production agreement agreed with...

      Copyright: Recordings

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport if he will assess the likely effect on the British music industry of the expiry of 50 years' copyright on recordings in the...

      Departmental Sponsorship

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what expenditure (a) his Department and (b) its non-departmental public bodies incurred on sponsorship in each year since...

      Newsquest Media Group

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what recent meetings (a) Ministers and (b) civil servants in his Department have had with directors of the Newsquest Media...

  • Treasury

    • Air Passenger Duty

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) if he will change the basis for calculating air passenger duty banding from London to capital city of destination to London to destination; (2) if he...

    • Banks: Finance

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what the monetary value is of (a) loans and (b) guarantees given to UK banks by his Department since 2007.

      Banks: Loans

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer pursuant to the answer of 18 November 2010, Official Report, column 894W, on banks: loans, if he will undertake an assessment of trends in the criteria for...

      Copyright: Music

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will estimate the additional revenue to the Exchequer attributable to an extension to 75 years of musicians' copyright in the last 10 years.

      Employers' Liability: Asbestos

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will bring forward proposals for a requirement for employers to insure themselves against potential harm caused to employees by asbestosis.

      Income Tax

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimate he has made of the amount of revenue which accrued from income tax from employees in each business sector in each of the last three years.

      Members: Correspondence

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer when the Chief Secretary to the Treasury plans to respond to the letters of 17 September 2010 and 1 November 2010 from the hon. Member for Cardiff West.


      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) whether he has assessed the effect of the mortgage market proposals made by the Financial Services Authority on small businesses with a turnover under...


      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) whether he has assessed the effect of the mortgage market proposals made by the Financial Services Authority on small businesses with a turnover under...

      Private Finance Initiative: Newton Abbot

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what schemes under the Private Finance Initiative there are in Newton Abbot constituency.

      Revenue and Customs: Marketing

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer pursuant to the answer of 23 November 2010, Official Report, column 274W, on incentives, from which of its budgets HM Revenue and Customs funds expenditure...

      Tax Yields

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much revenue his Department raised through (a) personal, (b) direct business, (c) consumption, (d) property and (e) environmental taxes from the...

      Taxation: Music

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much tax revenue was raised in respect of the UK-based music industry in (a) 2005, (b) 2006, (c) 2007, (d) 2008 and (e) 2009.

      Taxation: Music

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he has made a recent assessment of the merits of tax incentives to encourage the development of UK musical talent.

      VAT: Churches

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will seek agreement from the Council of Ministers to zero-rate value added tax on repairs to historic church buildings.

  • Communities and Local Government

    • Affordable Housing: Construction

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what assessment he has made of the effects of the proposed changes to rules under which new social housing can be constructed on...

    • Localism Bill

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government when he plans to publish the Localism Bill.

      Housing: Construction

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what estimate he has made of the number of new houses which would need to be built in Southampton unitary authority area in each...

      Housing: Costs

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what information his Department holds on the average (a) cost of management charges, (b) cost of maintenance and (c) return...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what his policy is on financial assistance to first-time homebuyers who commit a large proportion of their income in mortgage...

      Park Homes: Caravan Sites

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many residential park homes there are on licensed park home sites in each county.

      Poverty: Children

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government if he will take steps to ensure that local authorities are allocated the resources to meet their obligations under the Child...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many incidents of squatting were recorded (a) in Brighton and Hove constituency and (b) nationally in (i) 2007, (ii) 2008,...

      Tenancy Deposit Schemes

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what proportion of disputes in respect of tenancy deposit protection schemes resulted in a decision in favour of the tenant in...

      Travellers: Caravan Sites

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what steps he is taking to reduce the number of (a) squatters and (b) unauthorised encampments.

      Working Neighbourhoods Fund

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what assessment he has made of the likely effects of the closure of the Working Neighbourhoods Fund on the most deprived...

  • Education

    • Business: Education

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what plans his Department has for the future of enterprise education in primary schools; and if he will make a statement.

    • Departmental Redundancy

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what estimate he has made of the number of redundancies arising from the spending reductions proposed in the comprehensive spending review in respect...

      Free School Meals: Ealing

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many children in each ward in Ealing Southall constituency are eligible for free school meals; and whether he has made a recent estimate of the...

      Kristallnacht: Education

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education (1) whether the study of Kristallnacht is included in the curriculum at secondary school level; and if he will make a statement; (2) what recent...

      Pre-school Education: Special Educational Needs

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what measures are in place to identify pupils in pre-school education with special educational needs.

      Pupils: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many children who attended (a) maintained primary schools, (b) Catholic maintained primary schools, (c) maintained secondary schools and (d)...

      Schools: Holocaust Memorial Day

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what arrangements his Department has made to mark Holocaust Memorial Day in schools in 2011; and if he will make a statement.

      Schools: Reading

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what recent assessment he has made of the effects on attainment levels in reading and mathematics among the lowest achieving six and seven year olds of...

      Schools: Standards

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what recent assessment he has made of educational standards in secondary schools in (a) South Thanet constituency and (b) England.

      Schools: Standards

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what recent assessment he has made of educational standards in primary schools in (a) South Thanet constituency and (b) England.

      Special Educational Needs: Children in Care

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what steps his Department is taking to reduce the incidence of special educational needs among looked-after children.

      Special Educational Needs: Lancashire

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many teachers in Lancashire have a mandatory qualification in teaching deaf children; and what recent estimate he has made of the number of...

      UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education if he will bring forward legislative proposals to incorporate the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into his Ministerial...

      World War II: Education

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether his Department has taken steps to promote (a) knowledge of and (b) interest in the 70(th) anniversary of the battle of Britain in schools;...

      Youth Services: Manpower

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many full-time equivalent youth support workers there are in each local authority area.

  • Work and Pensions

    • Atos Healthcare

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what services Atos is providing under contract to his Department; and whether he plans to renew his Department's contract with Atos in 2012.

    • Children: Maintenance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what estimate he has made of the average difference between the amounts paid by clients of the Child Support Agency on the (a) pre-2002 and...

      Children: Maintenance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions in how many assessed cases currently being dealt with by the Child Support Agency child maintenance liability is abated to take account of...

      Cold Weather Payments

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions whether he made an estimate of the number of people with cancer who received the cold weather payment in (a) 2007, (b) 2008 and (c) 2009.

      Departmental Contracts

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assessment he has made of the effectiveness of quality management statements in assisting with contract decisions by his Department; and...

      Departmental Grants

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) what grants have been awarded by his Department in 2010-11 to date; what grants he plans to award in each of the next two years; what the...

      Departmental Regulation

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what regulations sponsored by his Department have been revoked in the last six months.

      Disability Living Allowance: Care Homes

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what estimate he has made of the number of children likely to be affected by the implementation of the proposed withdrawal of the mobility...

      Employment Schemes

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many companies have expressed an interest in applying for contracts under the Work Programme.

      Employment Schemes

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what (a) assumptions and (b) calculations his Department made when formulating its estimate of the market value of Work Programme contracts...

      Employment Schemes

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions whether he plans to place any restrictions on sub-contracting within the procurement processes for the Work Programme.

      Employment Schemes

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the geographical areas are for contracting for each type of back-to-work provision; and what geographical areas there will be for...

      Employment Schemes: Scotland

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assessment he has made of the likely effect of the proposed universal credit on work incentives in Scotland.

      Housing Benefit

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to the contribution by the Minister of State for Work and Pensions, the hon. Member for Thornbury and Yate (Steve Webb) of 9 November...

      Housing Benefit

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assessment he has made of the likely effects on levels of housing benefit payments of the implementation of his Department's decision to...

      Housing Benefit

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions whether the proposed changes to local housing allowance will apply to people who are part way through a tenancy which was signed prior to the...

      Housing Benefit

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions whether he plans to issue further guidance to local authorities on the allocation of discretionary housing benefit.

      Housing Benefit

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions whether he plans to make exceptions to the proposed limits on payments of local housing allowance to claimants under 35 years to a shared room...

      Housing Benefit: Newham

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many working families in Newham are in receipt of housing benefit.

      Housing Benefit: North East

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assessment his Department has made of the likely effect on (a) the economy of the North East and (b) housing provision of planned...

      Housing Benefit: Worcestershire

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many people in (a) Worcestershire and (b) Worcester were in receipt of housing benefit of more than £400 per week in the latest...

      Industrial Accidents: Construction

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what plans the Government have to implement the recommendations of the Rita Donaghy report entitled One Death is too Many: inquiry into the...

      Industrial Health and Safety: Inspections

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what recent representations he has received on the work of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE); and how many sites were formally inspected by...

      Jobcentre Plus: Rural Areas

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assistance his Department plans to give to those living in remote rural areas to (a) access jobcentres to see what vacancies are...

      Jobseeker's Allowance: Fraud

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many people were prosecuted for offences relating to fraudulent claims for jobseeker's allowance in Kilmarnock and Loudoun constituency in...

      Jobseeker's Allowance: Hearing Impaired

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what provisions are in place at Jobcentre Plus centres to assist jobseekers with hearing impairments; and whether interpreters are provided at...

      Mobility Allowance: Children

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) whether the removal of mobility allowance for disabled children after 84 days in residential care will also apply to children in...

      Mortgage Payments

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions whether his Department plans to provide support to households with disabled residents who can no longer afford their mortgage payments as a...

      Poverty: Children

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many children in (a) England, (b) the East of England and (c) Bedford constituency were living in families with no parents in employment...

      Private Finance Initiative Scheme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many of his Department's properties that are managed under a private finance initiative scheme are empty.

      Social Rented Housing: Reform

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions whether he has had discussions with the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on the implications for the social rented...

      Social Security Benefits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what estimate he has made of the level of civil service staffing resources which were allocated to the preparation of the White Paper on...

      Social Security Benefits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what (a) assumptions and (b) calculations his Department made when modelling the likely effects of the implementation of the universal...

      Social Security Benefits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how much funding he plans to allocate to the implementation of the universal credit in 2011-12.

      Social Security Benefits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what timetable he has put in place for the introduction of the universal credit; and if he will make a statement.

      Social Security Benefits: Adoption

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions whether his Department provides financial support for adoptive parents who are classified as casual employees.

      Social Security Benefits: Fraud

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to the answer of 10 November 2010, Official Report, column 350W, on social security benefits: fraud, what the (a) monetary value was...

      Social Security Benefits: Fraud

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to the answer of 10 November 2010, Official Report, column 350W, on social security benefits: fraud, what benefits were involved in...

      Social Security Benefits: Fraud

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to the answer of 10 November 2010, Official Report, column 350W, on social security benefits: fraud, how many of the defendants have...

      Social Security Benefits: Fraud

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to the answer of 10 November 2010, Official Report, column 350W, on social security benefits: fraud, what were the (a) names of the...

      Social Security Benefits: Fraud

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to the answer of 10 November 2010, Official Report, column 350W, on social security benefits: fraud, what steps are being taken to...

      Social Security Benefits: Reform

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the evidential basis is for the estimate in his Department's White Paper on welfare reform that his proposed benefit reforms will take...

      Social Security Benefits: Reform

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what estimate he has made of the number of people who will no longer be in poverty in (a) Haslingden and (b) Hyndburn as a result of...

      Social Security Benefits: Reform

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what estimate he has made of the number of people likely to have their (a) housing benefit, (b) incapacity benefit and (c) jobseeker's...

      Universal Credit: Welfare

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions with reference to paragraph 14 of his White Paper entitled Universal Credit: welfare that works, when he plans to set out proposals for a new...

      Vacancies: Peterborough

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what estimate he has made of the number of vacancies for (a) full-time and (b) part-time employment in Peterborough city council area on (i)...

      Asbestos: Employers' Liability

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will bring forward proposals to ensure that those with asbestos-related illnesses are eligible to claim on employers' insurance if the...

  • Cabinet Office

    • Banks: Finance

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office whether the Office for National Statistics calculation of public sector net debt takes account of the recapitalisation of banks.

    • Big Society Bank

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office by what date he expects the Big Society Bank to (a) be established and (b) commence distributing funds.

      Charity Commission

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what assessment he has made of the proposed changes to the operation of the Charity Commission; and if he will make a statement.

      Community Organisers

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what roles and responsibilities the proposed community organisers will have; and what mechanisms he plans to put in place to monitor and assess their...

      Deaths: Winter

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what recent discussions he has had with ministerial colleagues on responsibility for steps to prevent excess winter deaths.


      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what assessment he has made of the likely effects of the outcomes of the comprehensive spending review on his Department's civil contingencies programmes.

      Football: World Cup 2010

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office how much his Department spent on attendance at the 2010 FIFA World cup.

      Iraq Committee of Inquiry: Public Appointments

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office (1) what skills and experience were identified as being required for the role of Secretary to the Iraq Inquiry; how many candidates were identified as...

      Iraq Committee of Inquiry: Public Appointments

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office which of his Department's human resources procedures were followed in the selection of the (a) secretary and (b) press secretary to the Iraq Inquiry.

      National Citizen Service

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office on what dates Ministers in the Cabinet Office have met Lord Wei to discuss the National Citizen Service.

      National Citizen Service

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what plans he has for the role of the National Citizen Service in providing public services; and what plans he has to monitor and assess the service's...

      National Citizen Service

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what procurement process his Department undertook for the pilots of the National Citizen Service.

      Third Sector: Finance

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what steps his Department plans to take to monitor the effectiveness of the transition fund for charities, voluntary groups and social enterprises.

      Third Sector: Finance

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what assessment he has made of the potential contribution to the Big Society initiative of proposed changes in his Department's funding of community...

      Third Sector: Finance

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what assessment he has made of the likely effects on (a) community groups and (b) charities of changes to their funding as a result of the outcome of...

      Written Questions: Government Responses

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office (1) if he will make it his policy that guidance on answering round robin questions produced by his Department in respect of questions tabled in (a)...

  • Health

    • Abortion

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many women aged (a) 18 to 24 years and (b) 25 to 30 years in each strategic health authority area who had had (i) one, (ii) two, (iii) three, (iv)...

    • Abortion: Marriage

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what proportion of women who had an abortion in 2009 were married at the time of the abortion; what the modal (a) age of the women, (b) length gestation...

      Accident and Emergency Departments

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many people were treated in the accident and emergency department in (a) Queen Mary's Hospital, Sidcup (b) Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolwich and...

      Barnet General Hospital: Private Finance Initiative

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what proportion of the running costs of Barnet General Hospital was paid to the private finance initiative provider in each year from 2005 to 2009; and if...

      Basophobia: NHS

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what treatments for basophobia are available on the NHS; whether he expects new treatments to be available in the next two years; and if he will...

      British Medical Association: Competition

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what representations he has received from the (a) British Medical Association, (b) Royal College of Nursing and (c) Royal Colleges on competition in...

      Cancer: Waiting Lists

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what estimate he has made of the average waiting time to see a cancer specialist in each year of the comprehensive spending review period; (2) what...

      Cataracts: Surgery

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps he is taking to widen choice for patients undergoing cataract surgery in the NHS; and if he will make a statement.

      Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether his Department made an estimate of the effect on the number of (a) emergency hospital admissions and (b) inpatient bed days of increasing the...

      Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what recent assessment he has made of the stage of disease at which chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is most frequently diagnosed; and whether his...

      Clostridium Difficile

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what penalties may be imposed on NHS hospital trusts which fail to meet his Department's targets for reducing the incidence of clostridium difficile.

      Clostridium Difficile: Screening

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps he is taking to increase the proportion of patients screened for the early detection of clostridium difficile.

      Day Care: Greater London

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether he has made an estimate of the likely change in the number of (a) daycare centres and (b) residential homes in (i) West Ham constituency and...

      Dental Services: Yorkshire and Humber

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps his Department is taking to increase the number of NHS dental service centres available in Yorkshire and the Humber; and what steps he is...

      Departmental Grants

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what the monetary value of grants awarded by his Department was in 2009-10; and how much he expects to award in grants in (a) 2010-11 and (b)...

      Departmental Postal Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps his Department has taken to identify those of its services that could be provided through the Post Office network.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many people have been diagnosed with diabetes through the NHS vascular screening programme; and what steps the NHS is taking to inform members of the...

      Disability: Children

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what plans he has for his Department's funding of disabled children's services (a) after March 2011 and (b) in Sunderland from 2010 to 2015; and if he...

      Freedom of Information

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health with reference to the answers of 1 July 2008, Official Report, column 862W, and 1 September 2008, Official Report, column 1675W, on departmental freedom...

      General Practitioners

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health which private health providers (a) he, (b) Ministers in his Department and (c) officials in his Department have met to discuss the proposed GP...

      General Practitioners

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether the provisions of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 will apply in respect of the transfer of staff from...

      General Practitioners

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) which reserve powers will be retained by his Department following the transfer of commissioning from primary care trusts to GP consortiums; (2)...

      General Practitioners

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what estimate he has made of the likely average amount of time per week GPs will allocate to running GP consortiums as a result of his proposals to...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) whether the NHS took steps to advise haemophiliacs that plasma pool samples from factor VIII and IX products produced by the NHS for their use had...

      Help is at Hand Leaflet

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what estimate he has made of the number of copies of his Department's leaflet entitled Help is at Hand distributed by (a) primary care trusts, (b)...

      Hemofil T: Clinical Trials

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health pursuant to the answer of 23 November 2010, Official Report, column 251W, on Hemofil T: clinical trials, what consideration his Department has given to...

      Hereditary Diseases

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health pursuant to his answer of 8 November 2010, Official Report, column 147W, on hereditary diseases, whether his Department collects information on genetic...

      Hereford County Hospital: Private Finance Initiative

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what proportion of the total running costs for Hereford county hospital (a) was paid to the private finance initiative provider in each year from 2005-09...

      Medical Schools

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many medical school places were available in 2009-10.

      Medical Schools: Public Expenditure

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what estimate he has made of the number of medical school places that will be available in each year of the Comprehensive Spending Review period.

      Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus: Screening

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what progress has been made towards meeting his Department's 2011 deadline for the screening of non-elective patients for MRSA.

      Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps his Department is taking to reduce the incidence of MRSA.

      Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus: Screening

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what information his Department collates for the purpose of monitoring rates of MRSA.

      Multiple Sclerosis: Health Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what the membership is of the independent scientific advisory group of the multiple sclerosis risk-sharing scheme; (2) how many patients have taken...

      Muscular Dystrophy: Yorkshire and Humber

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will meet the Yorkshire and Humber Specialist Commissioning Group to discuss the proposed appointment of a muscular dystrophy care advisor for Hull.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what assessment he has made of the likely ability of NHS foundation trusts to meet patient safety targets in each of the next three financial years.

      NHS: Armed Forces

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many armed forces reservists employed by the NHS have had requests for leave to undergo operational training refused by NHS trusts in the financial...

      NHS: Public Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the budget deficit or surplus was for each NHS trust on the latest date for which figures are available.

      Nurses: Public Expenditure

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what estimate he has made of the number of nurses who will leave the NHS in each year of the Comprehensive Spending Review period; (2) what...

      Social Services: Elderly

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what estimate he has made of the likely percentage reduction in funding for social care for older people in Newcastle upon Tyne as a result of the...

      South London Healthcare NHS Trust

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what recent assessment he has made of the financial performance of South London Healthcare NHS Trust.

      Surgery: Waiting Lists

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what estimate he has made of the average waiting time for elective surgery by the end of the comprehensive spending review period.

      Tuberculosis: Greater London

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many cases of tuberculosis have been diagnosed in the London Borough of Bexley in each of the last three years.

      University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what his estimate is of the proportion of the running costs of University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (a) which was paid to the private finance...

      Young People: Autism

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether his Department issues guidance on referring young people with autism who receive support from child and adolescent mental health services and do...

      Cancer: Drugs

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much his Department has allocated to each strategic health authority from the NHS funding for cancer drugs announced on 10 November 2010.

      Child Birth: Greater London

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many (a) hospital and (b) home births took place in the London borough of Bexley in each of the last five years.

      Departmental Sponsorship

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what expenditure (a) his Department and (b) its non-departmental public bodies incurred on sponsorship in each year since 1997 for which figures are...

      Football: World Cup 2010

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much his Department spent on entertainment activities related to the 2010 FIFA World cup.

      General Practitioners

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether GP consortiums commissioning healthcare services by tender will be able to accept tenders from other NHS organisations; and if he will make a...

      Health Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether the proposals in respect of commissioning of health services in the Health White Paper will lead to (a) podiatry and (b) similar services being...

      Health Services: Standards

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many and what proportion of patients spent (a) four hours or less and (b) more than four hours from arrival to admission, transfer or discharge at...

      Health Services: Standards

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many and what proportion of patients (a) received treatment within and (b) waited longer for treatment than 18-weeks after referral in each (i)...

      Health Services: Weather

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) whether any NHS trusts have reported issues related to (a) capacity of critical care services and (b) bed availability under his Department's...

      Hip Fractures: Older People

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps he is taking to reduce the variation in number of older people with hip fractures between different local authority areas.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what plans his Department has for the future provision of testing strips for insulin users.

      Local Involvement Networks: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what arrangements he plans to put in place to ensure continuity of funding to local authorities for Local Involvement Networks prior to the establishment...

      NHS Commissioning Board

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether the NHS Commissioning Board will commission salaried primary dental care services.

      NHS Foundation Trusts

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps he plans to take to ensure that NHS trusts continue to provide equal access for all patients upon becoming foundation trusts; and if he will...

      NHS Litigation Authority

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether the NHS Litigation Authority will provide insurance cover for private providers of NHS services after the implementation of the proposals in the...

      Osteoporosis: Health Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what estimate he has made of the number of GP practices which have met the minimum thresholds set out in the Osteoporosis Directed Enhanced Service.

      Osteoporosis: Health Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will fund a national programme of audits of falls and bone health in primary care.

      Strokes: Health Education

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) when he plans to release the remaining tranche of funding for the Act FAST campaign; (2) what recent assessment he has made of the effectiveness of...

      Tobacco: Sales

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health what timetable he proposes for implementation of any proposals requiring the sale of tobacco products in plain packaging; and if he will make a statement.

      Tobacco: Sales

      To ask the Secretary of State for Health with reference to his press statement of 22 November 2010, what the evidential basis was for his statement that (a) packaging helps to recruit smokers...

  • House of Lords

    • Armed Forces: Commemoration

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will ask the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to ascertain the names of those military personnel who are known to have been killed in the Republic...

    • Armed Forces: Mine-resistant Vehicles

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the Ranger mine-resistant vehicle; over what timescale; and what conclusions they have reached as to its utility for service in...

      Armed Forces: Retired Officers

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how many retired officers are employed as regimental secretaries of their former regiments; what is the average pay for such appointees; and whether they will...

      Armed Forces: Scotland

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how many service personnel are currently based in Scotland; what is their assessment of the contribution made by those personnel to their local economies; and how...

      Aviation: Security

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how many meetings at ministerial level have been held with the British Airline Pilots Association in the last six months to discuss airline and airport security;...

      British Council: Funding

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how much funding they make available to the British Council for the promotion of the English language overseas; and whether this funding will be sustained over the...

      Child Trust Fund

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what is the estimated cost of continuing with the child trust fund on the basis of a £50 voucher for each newly born child. To ask Her Majesty's Government...

      Commonwealth Telecom Development Fund

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will support the establishment of the Commonwealth Telecom Development Fund.

      Dunfermline Building Society

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Sassoon on 18 November (WA 226-7), what are the total costs to date paid to the joint administrators of the Dunfermline...

      Economy: Quantitative Easing

      To ask Her Majesty's Government where the cost and income in respect of funding and receiving income under quantitative easing appear in national accounts.


      To ask Her Majesty's Government what discussions they have had with the Government of Egypt about the situation of the country's Coptic minority, and, in particular, the burning of 22 Coptic...

      Energy: Biofuels

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of a report by the Institute for European Environmental Policy that plans for increased use of European biofuels may accelerate...

      Energy: Carbon Reduction Commitment

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what discussions have taken place between Department of Energy and Climate Change officials and port operators since the proposed changes to the Carbon Reduction...

      Energy: Carbon Reduction Commitment

      To ask Her Majesty's Government why the Carbon Reduction Commitment applies to port operators where their tenants' businesses already have climate change agreements.

      Energy: Carbon Reduction Commitment

      To ask Her Majesty's Government when they decided to change their guidance regarding exemptions for businesses in the climate change agreement (CCA) scheme from the Carbon Reduction Commitment...

      Energy: Carbon Reduction Commitment

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the impact on the private sector of the decision to retain the estimated £1 billion per annum revenue raised from the sale...

      EU: Scrutiny Reserve

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what was the reason for the override of the Scrutiny Reserve Resolution, at the European Council on 29 October, in respect of the initiative of the Government of...

      Flooding: Cornwall

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to provide additional financial support to Cornwall to cope with the consequences of floods; whether more financial resource will be made...

      Gift Aid

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether and when proposals to reform gift aid will be published.

      Government Departments: Staff

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what are the names of all unpaid advisers to Ministers in the Ministry of Justice.

      Government Departments: Staff

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what are the names of all unpaid advisers to Ministers in the Northern Ireland Office.

      Government Departments: Staff

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what are the names of all unpaid advisers to Ministers in HM Treasury.

      Government: Photography and Film

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what assignments Mr Andrew Parsons has been on to take photographs of the Prime Minister, or any other minister, since being employed by the Cabinet Office.

      Government: Photography and Film

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what assignments Ms Nicky Woodhouse has been on to film the Prime Minister, or any other minister, since being employed by the Cabinet Office.

      Government: Photography and Film

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what arrangements have been put in place for the Prime Minister, or any of his ministers, to be photographed or filmed by individuals employed by the Civil Service...

      Gypsies and Travellers

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what is their definition of "local and historic demand", the new benchmark for site provision for Gypsies and Travellers.

      Health: Community Pharmacies

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what action they will take to prevent primary care trusts decommissioning community pharmacy services.

      Homelessness: Rough Sleepers

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what percentage of rough sleepers are from the A10 countries. To ask Her Majesty's Government what is their forecast of the effect of the end of transitional...


      To ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to halt the impact upon long-standing village populations of the lack of affordable housing for families on lower incomes.

      Housing: Council Houses

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what level of income new council tenants will be allowed to earn before having to relinquish their tenancy.


      To ask Her Majesty's Government how many pupils studying full time at an independent school affiliated to the International Schools Council have subsequently become illegal immigrants.


      To ask Her Majesty's Government how the change from the present transitional arrangements to "habitual residence" will affect (a) A8 migrants already in the United Kingdom, and (b) A8 migrants...


      To ask Her Majesty's Government how many candidates for immigration have a GCSE or International GCSE in English.


      To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of Israel's withdrawal from the northern part of Ghajar and the implications of this move for the future of the Golan Heights.

      Israel and Palestine

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Howell of Guildford on 11 November (WA 127), what assurances concerning Gaza and East Jerusalem the Secretary of State for...

      Israel and Palestine

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Howell of Guildford on 2 November (WA 389), whether the Ambassador of Israel was able to assure the Secretary of State for...

      Israel and Palestine: West Bank

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will make representations to the government of Israel asking for the simplification and coordination of the various agencies responsible for...

      Israel and Palestine: West Bank

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the value of a three-month freeze on settlement construction in the West Bank, and in particular its value if such a freeze does...

      Israel: Shebaa Farms

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what is their assessment of the current state of negotiations over the Shebaa farms on the Lebanon-Israel border.

      Justice: Compensation

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will restore the discretionary scheme for compensation to prevent the suffering of victims of miscarriages of justice that do not qualify under the...

      Legal Aid

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the judicial review regarding the export of sodium thiopental to the United States by Edmund Zagorski and Ralph Baze is funded under the legal aid scheme;...

      Local Authorities

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how many local authority council seats were uncontested in each of the past six years.

      National Information Governance Board

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they plan to abolish the National Information Governance Board for England and Wales; and, if so, what alternative arrangements are planned for NHS...

      NHS: Funding

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether an analysis has been made of the cuts being made to NHS frontline services.

      NHS: Internet

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what percentage of NHS internet bandwidth capacity is taken up by NHS staff during their working hours for personal, non-NHS use.

      North Africa

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will support recent proposals for a Mediterranean security committee supported by European Union countries which would help take steps towards greater...

      Olympic Games 2012

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the medals to be awarded at the 2012 Olympics will be designed by British craftsmen or craftswomen.

      Olympic Games 2012

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the medals to be awarded at the 2012 Olympics will be manufactured in the United Kingdom.

      Parking Fines

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how many local authorities have (a) not applied for, (b) applied for but not received, and (c) applied for and been refused, civil parking enforcement powers under...

      Post Office: Banking

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what is the value of funds deposited by the Post Office with Irish banks; and what guarantee individual depositors in the Post Office have from the British Government.

      Rome: Embassies

      To ask Her Majesty's Government why they require two embassies in Rome.


      To ask Her Majesty's Government on what occasions they have discussed with the government of Russia the impact of their military operations in the north Caucasus, particularly with regard to the...

      Social Care Funding

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what is their assessment of the impact of the new social care funding system on the elderly.

      Spending Review 2010

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what forecast they have made of the need for social housing over the period of Spending Review 2010; and how they intend to meet that need.

      Spending Review 2010

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Sassoon on 16 November (WA 200), what proportion of the 0.1 per cent increase above inflation in health spending in each...

      Spending Review 2010

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Sassoon on 16 November (WA 200), what proportion of the estimated £20 billion of efficiency savings in health spending...


      To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of preparations for the referendum on the future of Abyei, Sudan; and what discussions they have held with Sudan on the future of Abyei.

What is this?

The parliamentary question is a great way for MPs and Peers to discover information which the government may not wish to reveal. Ministers reply via written answers, a list of which gets published daily.

We let you vote on whether or not the answer given is adequate.

December 2010
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