Written answers

Monday, 29 November 2010

  • Women and Equalities

    • Equality and Human Rights Commission

      To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities what progress has been made on the reform of the Equality and Human Rights Commission; and if she will make a statement.

    • Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Women Councillors Taskforce: Expenditure

      To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities pursuant to the answer of 22 November 2010, Official Report, columns 81-82W, on ethnic minorities, who the members of the Black, Asian and Minority...

      Equal Pay: Gender

      To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities when she expects the gender pay gap to be closed.

      Equality: Public Bodies

      To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities if she will publish each representation she has received relevant to her decision not to implement section 1 of the Equality Act 2010.

      Equality: Public Bodies

      To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities if she will publish each representation made by the public bodies listed in section 1(3) and (4) of the Equality Act 2010 on compliance with the duty...

      Equality: Public Bodies

      To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities whether she plans to bring forward proposals to repeal section 1 of the Equality Act 2010.

  • Northern Ireland

  • Wales

    • Departmental Sponsorship

      To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what expenditure her Department incurred on sponsorship in each year since 1997 for which figures are available.

    • EU Law

      To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many EU directives are pending transposition into domestic legislation by her Department; and what estimate she has made of the cost of each such...

      FIFA: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how much her Department spent on entertainment activities related to the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

  • Scotland

    • FIFA: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how much his Department spent on entertainment activities related to the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

    • Post Offices

      To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what discussions he has had with ministerial colleagues on the future of the Post Office network in Scotland.

      Universities: Visits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland pursuant to the answer of 16 November 2010, Official Report, column 658W, on universities: visits, on what date he plans to visit the university of...

      Voluntary Organisations

      To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland when he last met representatives of the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations; and what matters were discussed.

  • Communities and Local Government

    • Affordable Housing: Construction

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many of the proposed new affordable homes to be built in the next four years he expects to be built in (a) Coventry, (b)...

    • Affordable Housing: Construction

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many units of social housing were (a) built and (b) sold in (i) the North East and (ii) Redcar constituency in each year...

      Affordable Housing: West Midlands

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what steps he plans to take to meet levels of need for social housing in (a) the West Midlands and (b) Wolverhampton South...

      Arm's Length Management Organisations: Audit

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what processes his Department plans to put in place to (a) inspect, (b) evaluate and (c) audit arm's length management...

      Audit Commission

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what (a) evidence his Department took into account and (b) methodology his Department used in determining its forecast of...

      Charities: Shops

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government pursuant to the answer of 8 November 2010, Official Report, column 30W, on charity shops, if he will consider the merits of...

      Council Housing: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government if he will publish (a) the research referred to in paragraph 3.20 of his Department's consultation paper on Reform of Council...

      Council Housing: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government when he plans to publish a draft revised Circular 8/95 on the operation of the Housing Revenue Account ring-fence.

      Council Housing: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government if he will bring forward proposals to allow local authorities to spend all receipts under Right to Buy legislation on Housing...

      Council Tax: Private Rented Housing

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many private landlords in (a) England, (b) Hyndburn and (c) Haslingden have been required to pay council tax arrears by...

      Departmental Disciplinary Proceedings

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government whether any (a) civil servants and (b) politically-appointed staff in his Department have been disciplined since 8 September...

      Departmental Legal Costs

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what legal costs were incurred by his Department in the case of CALA Homes v Secretary of State.

      Fire Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many fire stations there were on the latest date for which figures are available; and how many fire stations he expects...

      Fire Services: East of England

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what his plans are for future Fire Service (a) provision and (b) control centres in (i) East Anglia and (ii) Suffolk.

      Fire Services: North East

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many fire stations there were in (a) Cleveland, (b) County Durham and Darlington, (c) Northumberland and (d) Tyne and...

      Fire Services: North East

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many (a) whole-time and (b) retained fire fighters were employed by (i) Cleveland, (ii) County Durham and Darlington,...

      Fires: Insurance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government whether he has made a recent estimate of the effect on insurance costs consequent of a fire of the time taken by firefighters to...

      Fires: North East

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many deaths from fire were recorded in (a) Cleveland, (b) County Durham and Darlington, (c) Northumberland and (d) Tyne...

      Homelessness: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what funding he plans to allocate to the prevention of homelessness in each year of the spending review period.

      Housing Associations

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what recent assessment he has made of the effectiveness of the bidding system for prospective tenants operated by housing...

      Housing: Construction

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what recent discussions he has had on the effect of the New Homes Bonus Scheme on areas with high numbers of empty properties in...

      Housing: Construction

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many (a) private, (b) local authority and (c) registered social landlords new build housing completions there were in (i)...

      Housing: Empty Property

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many residential properties in (a) Greater London and (b) England owned by local authorities are empty.

      Local Government Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government if he will bring forward the announcement of the Local Government Grant Settlement in order to give local authorities more time...

      Local Government: Regulation

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government which statutory duties and requirements upon local authorities he plans to rescind.

      Members: Correspondence

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government when he plans to reply to the letters from the hon. Member for Basildon and Billericay of (a) 6 September and (b) 20 October...

      Multiple Occupation: Licensing

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government if he will provide for a simplified application form for renewal of homes in multiple occupation licences from spring 2011.

      National Park Authorities

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government whether he has assessed the merits of merging National Park Authorities' and local authority planning departments.

      Planning Permission: Appeals

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government if he will make it his policy to introduce a third party right of appeal in the planning system.

      Public Houses

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what support his Department provides to public houses.

      Right to Acquire Scheme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government if he will take steps to increase the availability of access to sharia-compliant financing to facilitate right to acquire...

      Social Rented Housing: Rents

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what recent discussions he has had with the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on future levels of social housing rents;...

      Social Rented Housing: Rents

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government pursuant to the answer of 17 November 2010, Official Report, column 807W, on social rented housing: construction, when and in...

      Social Rented Housing: Standards

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many properties in (a) England, (b) Hyndburn and (c) Haslingden do not meet the Decent Homes standard.

      Youth Services: Expenditure

      To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what estimate he has made of levels of expenditure per 1,000 people on youth services in each local authority in England in (a)...

  • Transport

    • BRB (Residuary): Wales

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what assets BRB (Residuary) Ltd. holds in each local authority area in Wales; and what plans he has for the disposal of such assets.

    • Departmental Contracts

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what the monetary value is of contracts his Department has awarded to each (a) management consultancy and (b) IT company since 7 May 2010.

      Departmental Lobbying

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) how much his Department's agencies and non-departmental public bodies spent from the public purse on influencing public policy through (a)...

      Departmental Postal Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what steps his Department has taken to identify those of its services that could be provided through the Post Office network.

      Freight Facilities Grant

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what recent discussions he has had with the Scottish Government on the operation of the Freight Facilities Grant.

      Freight Facilities Grant

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what recent discussions he has had with the Chancellor of the Exchequer on funding for the Freight Facilities Grant.

      Invalid Vehicles

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what estimate he has made of the number of (a) fatalities, (b) serious injuries and (c) minor injuries sustained by (i) users of mobility scooters...

      Members: Correspondence

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when he plans to reply to the letters from the hon. Member for Basildon and Billericay of (a) 12 October and (b) 10 November 2010 on a constituent,...

      Public Transport: Disability

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will take steps to improve access to public transport for (a) blind people and (b) people with other disabilities in (i) the West Midlands,...

      Railways: Freight

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what plans he has for development of rail freight services (a) in Stockton North constituency and (b) in Teesside; and what his policy is on (i)...

      Railways: Overcrowding

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what recent estimate he has made of the level of overcrowding on rail routes in Yorkshire.

      Railways: Overcrowding

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what methodology his Department uses to collate data on passenger overcrowding on the rail network in (a) London, (b) non-metropolitan urban areas...

      Road Safety Markings Association

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what recent meetings he has had with representatives of the Road Safety Markings Association; and if he will make a statement.

      Roads: Safety

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what proportion of his Department's capital grant for road safety the proposed reduction of £17.2 million in the comprehensive spending review...

      Roads: Snow and Ice

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what assessment he has made of the effects on the national road network of an increased frequency of abnormal weather conditions arising from climate...

      Taxis: Fuels

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport whether his Department has carried out research on the opportunities for use of alternative fuels in taxis; and if he will make a statement.

      Tintwistle Hollingworth and Mottram Bypass

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport whether he undertook a cost-benefit analysis of the construction of a Mottram and Tintwistle bypass prior to determining the schemes to be approved...

      Transport: Concessions

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what special grant funding for the national concessionary travel scheme he has allocated to each integrated transport authority for the purpose of its...

      Transport: Local Enterprise Partnerships

      To ask the Secretary of State for Transport whether his Department plans to delegate responsibility for regional transport strategy to local enterprise partnerships.

  • Justice

    • Community Orders: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what assessment he has made of the effects of the outcomes of the comprehensive spending review on the future viability of (a) sex offender treatment...

    • Coroners

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice (1) what guidance he plans to issue to local authorities on enforcement of new legislative provision in respect of coroners; (2) what estimate he has...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what steps he plans to take to provide additional assistance to those coroners who report a lack of adequate facilities in 2010-11; and when he plans to...

      Dog Fouling

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice (1) how many individuals were prosecuted for the offence of dog fouling in each local authority area in England in each of the last five years; (2)...

      Land Registry

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what terms of reference have been set for the feasibility study on the future of the Land Registry; and if he will make a statement.

      Legal Aid Scheme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice how many organisations in each constituency have legal aid contracts (a) in total, (b) for criminal work only, (c) for civil work only and (d) for...

      Legal Aid Scheme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what research his Department has (a) commissioned and (b) evaluated on the (i) financial and (ii) social effects of withdrawing the availability of...

      Legal Aid Scheme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what estimate he has made of the effects of the implementation of his proposals for the future of (a) legal aid and (b) conditional fee agreements on...

      Legal Aid Scheme: Contracts

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice how much money from the public purse the Learning and Skills Council has spent on legal costs in respect of tendering contracts for legal aid since May 2010.

      Legal Aid Scheme: North West

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice how many (a) asylum and (b) non-asylum matter starts were allocated to each provider in each access area in the North West procurement area for the...

      National Offender Management Service: Secondment

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice how many staff were on secondment to the National Offender Management Service on the latest date for which figures are available.

      Office of the Public Guardian: Lost Property

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice pursuant to the answer of 27 October 2010, Official Report, column 357W, on the Office of the Public Guardian, what estimate he has made of the (a)...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice whether he has plans to ensure that prisoners in working prisons are (a) placed close to their families and (b) offered skills training relating to...

      Prisoners' Release

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice (1) what assessment he has made of the adequacy of existing housing stock to accommodate the release of 3,000 prisoners as part of his Department's...

      Prisoners: Voting Rights

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice pursuant to the answer of 23 November 2010, Official Report, column 165, if he will publish each item of correspondence between him and Scottish...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what plans he has for the future of the Accredited Programmes Panel for programmes run by the Probation Service.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice how many people who were given a determinate sentence in each year since 2005 did not take part in offender programmes while in prison.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice whether he has made a recent assessment of the merits of appointing a Director of Probation for England and Wales.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what steps he is taking to reduce reoffending rates among (a) Tier 1 and (b) Tier 2 offenders; and if he will make a statement.

      Roads: Accidents

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice how many individuals were prosecuted for failing to report injuries to or killing a dog in a road traffic incident in England and Wales in each of the...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what steps he is taking to assist property owners to remove squatters occupying their property; and if he will make a statement.

      Victim Support Schemes

      To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what plans he has to establish procedures to support victims of white collar crime.

  • Home Department

    • Alcoholic Drinks: Crime

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) how many people have been (a) prosecuted and (b) convicted of offences relating to the sale of alcohol to a person aged under 18...

    • Asylum: Deportation

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what the cost was of deporting unsuccessful asylum seekers in (a) 2007, (b) 2008 and (c) 2009.

      Asylum: Iraq

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many asylum seekers from Iraq were admitted to the UK in 2008-09; and whether she has made an estimate of the number of those admitted...

      Crime: Databases

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department pursuant to the answer of 8 November 2010, Official Report, columns 114-15W, on crime: databases, in how many cases in each category of...

      Crime: Hate

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what objectives her Department has set for its policy on hate groups operating in the UK.

      Cybercrime: Human Rights

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what steps her Department is taking to protect human rights groups operating within the UK from cyber-attack by foreign states.

      Departmental Food

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether her Department has guidelines on ensuring that food used for her Department's official functions is of domestic origin.

      Deportation: Iran

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what recent representations she has received on the forced deportation of Child M and his family to Iran; and if she will make a statement.

      Detainees: Children

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what progress has been made in ending the practice of child detention through (a) pilot schemes to find alternatives to child...

      Detainees: Children

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what estimate she has made of the average amount of time a child spent in an immigration removal centre in the latest period for which...

      Entry Clearances

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if she will establish a pilot scheme to enable sponsors of visitors to the UK on short-term visas to post a security bond; and if she will...

      Entry Clearances: Greater London

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many applicants for indefinite leave to remain in the UK had their last known address in (a) the borough of Bexley and (b) Greater...

      Football: South Africa

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how much her Department spent on attendance at the 2010 FIFA World Cup.


      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what plans she has to allow students from Commonwealth countries to remain in the UK after they graduate.

      Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Code of Practice A

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what steps she has taken to ensure that the proposed changes to section 60 powers in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Code of...

      Police Community Support Officers

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what funding her Department plans to provide for police community support officers in each of the next three years.

      Police: Cybercrime

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many arrests the Police Central e-Crime Unit made in the course of investigations into cyber attacks on Government Departments in the...

      Police: Disciplinary Proceedings

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many and what proportion of (a) police community support officers and (b) police officers in (i) the Metropolitan Police Service and...

      Police: Manpower

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department pursuant to the answer of 16 November 2010, Official Report, columns 724-26W, on police: manpower, what estimate she has made of the number...

      Police: Offenders

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many police officers were convicted of a criminal offence in each of the last five years.

      Police: Ports

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what her policy is on the future of port police forces; and if she will make a statement.

      Stop and Search

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) how many stop and searches there were in (a) each police authority area and (b) each London local authority area in each of the last...

      Stop and Search: Ethnic Groups

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what steps she plans to take to reduce the number of (a) Black and (b) Asian people stopped and searched under section 1 of the Police and...

      Stop and Search: Ethnic Groups

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what steps she plans to take to reduce the number of (a) Black and (b) Asian people stopped and searched under section 60 of the...

      Stop and Search: Terrorism

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) how many stop and searches were carried out under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000 in (a) each police authority area and (b) each...


      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what criteria she has set for measuring the requirement that a Tier 1 visa applicant has achieved international recognition or is likely to do so.

      Yarl's Wood Detention Centre: Children

      To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what (a) health, (b) recreational, (c) educational and (d) religious facilities are available for children in the Yarl's Wood detention...

  • Electoral Commission Committee

    • Departmental Written Questions

      To ask the hon. Member for South West Devon, representing the Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission, how many and what proportion of questions tabled to the Speaker's Committee on the...

    • Departmental Written Questions

      To ask the hon. Member for South West Devon, representing the Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission, how many and what proportion of questions tabled to the Speaker's Committee on the...

  • Education

    • Academies

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education with reference to his announcement of 1 September 2010, whether all the schools listed as converting from outstanding maintained school status have...

    • Boarding Schools

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether his Department has made an assessment of the adequacy of the inspection regime for the state boarding school sector.

      Boarding Schools

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what plans he has to expand the provision of state boarding school places; and if he will make a statement.

      Bookstart Programme: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education if he will allocate funding to the Bookstart programme for (a) 2011-12 and (b) subsequent years.

      Children: Hearing Impairment

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what assessment he has made of the (a) level and (b) effectiveness of the provision of specialist support services for deaf children by local authorities.

      Children: Hearing Impairment

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether his Department requires local authorities to provide parents of deaf children with information on (a) specialist provision for deaf children,...

      Children: Service Personnel

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether his Department plans to allocate a supplement to the proposed pupil premium in respect of the children of service personnel.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Education pursuant to the answer of 2 November 2010, Official Report, columns 728-9W, on environmental protection: curriculum, when he expects to announce...

      Departmental Grants

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how much funding his Department has allocated in grants for (a) 2009-10 and (b) 2010-11; and how much such funding he plans to allocate for 2011-12.

      Departmental Official Hospitality

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how much his Department spent on hospitality for events hosted by each Minister in the Department in each of the last three years.

      Departmental Official Hospitality

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how much his Department spent on hospitality for events hosted by each of its Ministers in (a) September and (b) October 2010.

      Departmental Pay

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether all contracted staff working for his Department are paid at the level of the London living wage or above.

      Education Maintenance Allowance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many people in (a) England, (b) the West Midlands and (c) Walsall Borough receive education maintenance allowance.

      Education Maintenance Allowance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many young people in (a) Newcastle upon Tyne North constituency, (b) the North East and (c) England received education maintenance allowance in...

      Education Maintenance Allowance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many people claimed education maintenance allowance in each year since its introduction in (a) England, (b) the West Midlands and (c) Coventry.

      Education Maintenance Allowance: Birmingham

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many pupils in Birmingham received education maintenance allowance in the last year for which figures are available.

      Education Maintenance Allowance: North Tyneside

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many students in North Tyneside receive education maintenance allowance (EMA); and what steps his Department is taking to assist those students who...

      Free School Meals: Northumberland

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many children were in receipt of free school meals in (a) Wansbeck constituency and (b) Northumberland on the latest date for which figures are...

      Free Schools

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether his Department's free schools group provides advice to the public on setting up free schools.

      GCE A-level

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education (1) how many pupils in further education colleges were entered for a modern foreign languages A-level in (a) comprehensive schools, (b) maintained...

      GCE A-level

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education (1) whether he has made an estimate of the proportion of students who attained A to C grades overall in A-levels in (a) 2009 and (b) 2010 who had...

      Music: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what assessment he has made of the effect of changes in his Department's funding of the Music Standards Fund on the core grant for (a) the Bromley...

      New Schools Network

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education (1) for what reasons he decided not to put the contract eventually awarded to the New Schools Network out to competitive tender; (2) for what...

      Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education pursuant to the answer of 4 November 2010, Official Report, column 920W, on the Children, Schools and Families Act 2010, if he will place in the...

      Primary Education

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what steps his Department is taking to improve Key Stage 1 results.

      Primary Education: Curriculum

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether the remit of his Department's review of the national curriculum in primary schools includes a review of the use of a cross-curricular teaching...

      Pupils: Bullying

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what steps he is taking to promote anti-bullying week; and if he will make a statement.

      Pupils: Bullying

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what recent representations he has received on reducing the levels of bullying in schools; what response his Department provided; and if he will make a...

      Pupils: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether his proposed pupil premium payment will be paid to schools in addition to any funding already allocated to a pupil with a statement of special...

      Pupils: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how his proposed pupil premium will apply in rural areas; and if he will make a statement.

      Pupils: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many pupils in Bournemouth West constituency are expected to receive the pupil premium in the next 12 months.

      Pupils: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what assessment he has made of the effect of his proposed pupil premium on children in (a) Suffolk Coastal constituency and (b) England.

      Pupils: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what assessment he has made of educational attainment by pupils eligible for free school meals in (a) South Thanet constituency and (b) England.

      Pupils: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what estimate he has made of the effects of his proposed pupil premium in (a) South Thanet constituency and (b) England.

      Pupils: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what estimate he has made of the number of children in (a) South Thanet constituency and (b) England who will receive the proposed pupil premium.

      Pupils: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what indicators of deprivation apart from free school meals his Department uses to measure levels of deprivation for school children; and what the...

      Pupils: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what assessment he has made of the effectiveness of RAISEonline as an indicator of deprivation; and whether he plans to adopt this mechanism to...

      Pupils: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what indicators of deprivation he is considering for use as the mechanism for allocating funds through the pupil premium.

      Pupils: Electoral Register

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether he plans to take steps to ensure that schools assist all eligible pupils to register to vote.

      Pupils: Equality

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what plans he has to reduce the difference between the attainment levels of boys and girls in schools.

      Pupils: Health

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what discussions Ministers in his Department have had with ministerial colleagues in the Department of Health on the preparation of guidance for...

      Resits: Free School Meals

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what the cost to the public purse was of re-sit examinations in the academic year 2009-10; and whether he made an estimate of the number of students...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Education if he will issue guidance to schools on his priorities for the state sector.

      Schools: Capital Investment

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how much funding excluding funding previously allocated to the Building Schools for the Future programme he plans to allocate to rebuilding or...

      Schools: Hearing Impairment

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education (1) what steps he is taking to ensure that deaf children are able to receive high-quality teaching in British sign language in mainstream schools;...

      Schools: Sports

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education with reference to his letter of 20 October 2010 to the Youth Sport Trust, whether he plans to (a) redirect to and (b) ring-fence in school budgets...

      Schools: Vocational Guidance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how much funding his Department provided to each local authority in England for careers and connexions services in (a) 2008-9 and (b) 2009-10 and...

      Schools: Vocational Guidance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether he plans to allocate funding to local authorities to wind up the careers and connexions services, including for any necessary redundancy payments.

      Science: GCSE

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many and what proportion of pupils in (a) Skipton and Ripon constituency, (b) North Yorkshire and (c) England were entered for (i) chemistry,...

      Science: GCSE

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many and what proportion of pupils were entered for three separate GCSEs in physics, chemistry and biology in each local authority in 2009.

      Specialised Diplomas

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what his Department's policy is on the 14 to 19 diploma.

      Specialist Schools

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what plans his Department has for future funding of specialist schools.

      Technology: Teachers

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what steps his Department is taking to increase the number of (a) specialist technology teachers and (b) primary class teachers with technology training.

      Travellers: Education

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education what estimate his Department has of the number of children in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller of Irish Heritage communities who are not in full-time...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how much his Department and its predecessors spent on wine in each year since 1997.

      Work Experience

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether his Department plans to review its policy on work experience provision for secondary school students.

      Youth Services: Manpower

      To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many Joint Negotiating Committee-qualified full-time youth workers are employed in each local authority.

  • Energy and Climate Change

    • EU Emissions Trading Scheme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change what assessment he has made of the effectiveness of the rules in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme which make provision for...

    • Renewable Energy: Heating

      To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change what recent assessment he has made of the effects of sustainable bioliquids in providing renewable heat under the Renewable Heat Incentive.

      Renewable Energy: Heating

      To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change if he will assess methods by which sustainable waste derived bioliquids could be included in (a) the renewable heat incentive scheme...

  • Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

    • Afghanistan: Children

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions he has had with the NATO Civilian Representative in Afghanistan on the Representative's assessment of the...

    • Afghanistan: Christianity

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent reports he has received on the treatment of Christians in Afghanistan; and if he will make a statement.

      Afghanistan: Police

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) how many Afghan National Police officers have been recruited in 2010; (2) how many Afghan National Police officers...

      Auschwitz Restoration Project

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what plans he has to provide funding to the Auschwitz restoration project.

      Bahrain: Foreign Relations

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what plans he has to mark the 40th anniversary of the UK-Bahrain Treaty of Friendship.

      Cayman Islands: Genetically Modified Organisms

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether his Department (a) had discussions with Oxitec prior to and (b) holds information on the (i) consent procedures in...

      Cayman Islands: Genetically Modified Organisms

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether his Department was notified prior to (a) shipments by Oxitec of genetically-modified mosquito eggs to Grand Cayman for...

      Colombia: Homicide

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs pursuant to the answer of 8 November 2010, Official Report, column 85W, what information his Department holds on the number of...

      Colombia: Homicide

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what representations he has made to the Colombian government on the recent killing of Elizabeth Silva Aguilar.

      Colombia: Homicide

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent reports he has received of military involvement in the deaths of children in Caqueta province, Colombia.

      Colombia: Military Aid

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) pursuant to the answer of 4 November 2010, Official Report, column 913W, whether the dismissed military personnel had...

      Departmental Allowances

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how long on average he spends managing expenses and allowances claims; and if he will make a statement.

      Departmental Grants

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) what grants his Department has awarded in 2010-11 to date; what grants he plans to award in each of the next two years;...

      Departmental Lobbying

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how much his Department's agencies and non-departmental public bodies spent from the public purse on influencing public policy...

      Departmental Lobbying

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs which of his Department's non-departmental public bodies have undertaken activities to influence public policy for which they...

      Government Hospitality: Wines

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what the cost to the public purse has been of (a) red wine, (b) white wine, (c) champagne and (d) fortified wine purchased...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether the Minister of State with responsibilities for Latin America plans to meet representatives of Peace Brigades...

      Guatemala: Ethnic Groups

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) whether the Minister of State with responsibilities for Latin America plans to raise the matter of consultation with...

      Israel: Borders

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent reports he has received on the effectiveness of the Security Fence in Israel in reducing the number of (a) suicide...

      Israel: Foreign Relations

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what bilateral (a) agreements and (b) programmes exist between the UK and Israeli governments.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent discussions he has had with his counterparts in India and Pakistan on the future of Kashmir; and what recent reports...

      MI6: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what the budget was of the Secret Intelligence Service in (a) 2005-06, (b) 2008-09 and (c) 2009-10; and what his latest...

      Middle East: Armed Conflict

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent assessment he has made of the extent of arms smuggling into Gaza; what discussions he has had with the government of...

      Middle East: Armed Conflict

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent steps he has taken to bring about the release of Gilad Shalit; and if he will make a statement.

      Religious Freedom

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many people have used his Department's toolkit advising on the promotion and protection of religion or belief...

      Shaker Aamer

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent discussions he has had with the US Secretary of State on a possible timetable for the return of Shaker Aamer to the...

      Sherif Hassan Abdelwahab

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make representations to the government of Egypt on the detention at Cairo airport on 9 November 2010 of Sherif Hassan...

      Spain: Deaths

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions he has had with the Government of Tenerife on the death of Jordan Walchester; what consular assistance has been...

      Sri Lanka: Administration of Justice

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he has made an assessment of the International Commission of Jurists report on administrative detention in Sri Lanka.

      Sri Lanka: Human Rights

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent discussions he has had with his Sri Lankan counterpart on human rights in Sri Lanka.

      Taiwan: Climate Change Convention

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what his policy is on the attendance of the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan as an observer at the United...

      Taiwan: Climate Change Convention

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what his policy is on Taiwan's participation in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and if he will make a statement.

      Uganda: Prisoners

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he has made recent representations to the Ugandan Government on the arrest and detention of Al Amin Kimathi.

      Western Sahara: Human Rights

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs with reference to the recent UN Security Council briefing on Western Sahara, what mechanisms will be put into place to monitor...

      Western Sahara: Politics and Government

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what reports he has received of the denial of entry into Morocco of two Spanish MPs and one MEP on a visit to El Aauin, Western...

      Western Sahara: Violence

      To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs with reference to the recent UN Security Council briefing on Western Sahara, what recent assessment he has made of reports of...

  • Deputy Prime Minister

    • Members: Correspondence

      To ask the Deputy Prime Minister when he plans to reply to the letter from the hon. Member for Torbay of 29 September 2010 on the payment of interns.

  • Cabinet Office

    • Departmental Written Questions

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office (1) how many and what proportion of questions tabled to the Minister for the Cabinet Office for ordinary written answer (a) in Session 2009-10 and...

    • IPSA: Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office if he will bring the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority within the statutory remit of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration.

      NDPBs: Finance

      To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what steps he takes to encourage arms-length bodies and non-departmental public bodies to (a) improve their cash management and (b) increase the level...

  • Culture Media and Sport

    • London Olympics: Sporting Legacy

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what steps his Department has taken to secure a sporting legacy from the London 2012 Olympics.

    • Creative Industries: Scotland

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what assessment he has made of the likely effects on the creative industries in Scotland of his decision not to grant Scottish...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what financial assistance his Department provides to arts organisations visiting the UK; and what UK-based organisations have...

      Arts Council: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport whether his Department has undertaken an impact assessment of the economic effects of the reduction in lending for the arts...

      Arts Council: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport whether his Department has undertaken an impact assessment in respect of the economic effects on the arts sector of the...

      Arts: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what estimate he has made of the change in the level of his Department's funding for each arts sector in each region in each...

      Broadcasting: Scotland

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport pursuant to the answer of 22 November 2010, Official Report, column 132W, on broadcasting: Scotland, for what reasons he...

      Departmental Degrees

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport pursuant to the answer of 26 July 2010, Official Report, column 604W, on Departmental degrees, what information his...

      Departmental Written Questions

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport how many and what proportion of questions tabled to the Secretary of State for written answer on a named day were answered...

      Departmental Written Questions

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport how many and what proportion of questions tabled to the Secretary of State for ordinary written answer (a) in Session 2009-10...

      Olympic Games 2012

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what recent estimate he has made of the likely sale price of a post-conversion (a) one, (b) two and (c) three-bedroom flat...

      Olympic Games 2012: Employment

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what estimate he has made of the number of residents of Newham employed as a direct result of the London 2012 Olympics.

      Radio Frequencies

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport if he will re-issue those licences for radio frequencies held by the parent company of Heart Radio where local radio stations...

      Royal Parks Agency

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what objectives he has set for the Royal Parks Agency for the next five years.

      Royal Parks Agency

      To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport what guidance he has issued to the Royal Parks Agency on the holding of large-scale commercial events in the Royal Parks.

  • Leader of the House

    • Members: Allowances

      To ask the Leader of the House how much has been paid to each Member representing Sinn Fein under each category of Parliamentary allowance in each financial year since the date of the Resolution...

    • Oral Questions

      To ask the Leader of the House if he will ensure that the number of different bodies answering questions for oral answer on the same day does not exceed the number of questions an hon. Member is...

  • Defence

    • Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what estimate he has made of the average cost of re-integrating a former hostile soldier in Afghanistan in the latest period for which figures are...

    • Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many military personnel injured during operations in Afghanistan were from Northern Ireland.

      Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) how many armed forces personnel have been diagnosed with (a) active and (b) latent tuberculosis following a tour of duty in Afghanistan since...

      Air Force: Rescue Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what plans he has for the future of RAF Rescue services.

      Air Forces: Military Bases

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what estimate he has made of the cost to the defence budget of (a) proceeding with the Nimrod MRA4 order and (b) maintaining the support base at RAF...

      Armed Forces: Deployment

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence when he expects to announce his plans for the implementation of the re-basing of military personnel in Germany; and whether he has made an estimate of...

      Armed Forces: Housing

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many accommodation units of each (a) type and (b) number of bedrooms his Department owns in each location in Argyll and Bute constituency; and...

      Armed Forces: Manpower

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many service personnel at each rank there were in financial year 2009-10.

      Armed Forces: Northern Ireland

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many citizens of the Republic of Ireland have been recruited into each of the armed services in each of the last five years.

      Armed Forces: Pensions

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many foreign services personnel are affected by the post-1978 service rule relating to pension entitlements of post-retirement servicemen's widows;...

      Armed Forces: Young People

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what assessment he has made of the effect of regulations limiting the rights of discharge of under 18-year-olds from the armed services on the UK's...

      Atomic Veterans and the Health Protection Agency's Mortality Study

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what recent discussions he has had with the Secretary of State for Health on atomic veterans and the Health Protection Agency's mortality study; and if...

      AWE Aldermaston

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what plans he has for the future of the proposed new hydrodynamic facility Hydrus at AWE Aldermaston.

      AWE Aldermaston

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what estimate he has made of the cost to the public purse of building and operating the proposed new (a) EPURE nuclear warhead testing facilities at...

      AWE Aldermaston

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether his Department plans to submit planning applications for (a) the proposed Anglo-French Teutates Technology Development Centre and (b) the new...

      Departmental Grants

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how much funding his Department has allocated in grants for (a) 2009-10 and (b) 2010-11; and how much such funding he plans to allocate for 2011-12.

      Departmental Pay

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what the average annual salary equivalent has been for Territorial Army (a) privates, (b) lance corporals, (c) corporals and (d) sergeants on...

      Departmental Redundancy

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) how many redundancies will arise as a result of the closure of the four regional divisional headquarters; and whether such redundancies are...

      Departmental Redundancy

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) how many redundancies will arise from reducing the communications and logistics support to Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps; and whether...

      Departmental Research

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence pursuant to the answer of 1 November 2010, Official Report, column 597W, on departmental research, what estimate he has made of his Department's...

      Nimrod Aircraft

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what discussions he has had on other countries fulfilling the role that would have been performed by Nimrod MRA4 aircraft.

      Nuclear Submarines

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what the design life is in effective full-power years of the PWR2 (a) reactor pressure vessel and (b) nuclear steam raising plant.

      Nuclear Weapons: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what (a) contracts have been signed and (b) other agreements have been made with (i) BAE and (ii) other companies in respect of the Future Submarine...

      Public Expenditure

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how much additional funding his Department plans to allocate for the purposes of enhancing simulated training, as referred to in the Strategic Defence...

      Public Expenditure

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what additional funding his Department plans to allocate for the development of and use of (a) sensors and (b) nanotechnology in each year of the...

      Public Expenditure

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what additional funding his Department plans to allocate to increase the Government's capacity to respond to civil emergencies in each year of the...

      Rescue Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what alternative options for meeting the search and rescue requirement his Department considered as part of its review of the search and rescue...

      Rescue Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what estimate his Department has made of the cost to the public purse of extending beyond 2016 the life of the Sea King helicopters currently used by the...

      Rescue Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what information his Department holds on Sikorsky's programme to extend the life of the US variant of the Sea King helicopter; whether his review of the...

      Rescue Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what assessment he has made of the likely effects of the implementation of the proposal to de-militarise the search and rescue (helicopter) programme on...

      Rescue Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what the monetary value was of contractual liabilities incurred by his Department in respect of Soteria at the time of the suspension of the search and...

      Rescue Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what the range is of the helicopter selected by Soteria for the search and rescue (helicopter) requirement; and whether that helicopter has an in-flight...

      Rescue Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what assessment his Department has made of the likely effects of the withdrawal of Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft on the (a) required fleet mix for the...

      Rescue Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what role Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft play in maritime search and rescue missions; and if he will make a statement.

      Rescue Services

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence when he expects his Department's review of proposals for helicopter search and rescue under the Private Finance Initiative to be concluded; and if he...

      Special Forces: Public Expenditure

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what additional funding his Department plans to allocate to the Special Forces in each year of the spending review period.

      Strategic Defence and Security Review

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence with reference to the strategic defence and security review, whether his Department has made an estimate of the level of savings which will accrue from...

      Strategic Defence and Security Review

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) how many submissions to the strategic defence and security review his Department received from the general public; (2) how many submissions to the...

      Strategic Defence and Security Review

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether all meetings on the strategic defence and security review attended by Ministers in his Department were minuted.

      Strategic Defence and Security Review

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) what training schemes will be deleted to find efficiencies in military training, as referred to in the strategic defence and security review; (2)...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what recent discussions his Department has had with its US counterparts on co-operation on surveillance platforms.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) what assessment his Department has made of the UK's surveillance needs up to 2020; (2) what arrangements his Department has put in place to ensure...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what recent discussions his Department has had with its French counterparts on co-operation on surveillance platforms.

      Territorial Army

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence pursuant to the answer of 15 November 2010, Official Report, column 565W, on the Yorkshire Regiment, what other roles have been suspended from...

      World War II: Anniversaries

      To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what preparations his Department has made in respect of the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain; and if he will make a statement.

  • House of Commons Commission

    • Savings Programme: Consultation

      To ask the hon. Member for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, representing the House of Commons Commission, which representative bodies of (a) hon. Members, (b) hon. Members' staff and (c)...

    • 10:10 Campaign

      To ask the hon. Member for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, representing the House of Commons Commission, whether the House of Commons Commission plans to participate in the 10:10 campaign...


      To ask the hon. Member for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, representing the House of Commons Commission, what the combined cost of heating and water utilities was for the House of Commons...

  • Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority Committee

    • Departmental Written Questions

      To ask the hon. Member for Broxbourne, representing the Speaker's Committee for the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, how many and what proportion of questions tabled to the...

    • Departmental Written Questions

      To ask the hon. Member for Broxbourne, representing the Speaker's Committee for the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, how many and what proportion of questions tabled to the...


      To ask the hon. Member for Broxbourne, representing the Speaker's Committee for the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, what procedure is followed in handling emails sent by hon....

  • Business, Innovation and Skills

    • Adult Education: Greater London

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what plans he has for the future provision of adult education in (a) West Ham constituency, (b) Newham and (c) London.

    • Agriculture: Research

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what research projects designed to assist (a) the development of organic agriculture and (b) farmers (i) mitigate the effects...

      Aimhigher Programme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills how many interventions were made by Aimhigher UK in each local education authority area in England in the last year for which...

      Aimhigher Programme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what assessment his Department has made of the satisfaction level among schools participating in the Aimhigher programme.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what steps he is taking to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to take on apprentices.

      Apprentices: Public Sector

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills if he will take steps to increase the number of apprenticeships available in the public sector; and if he will make a statement.

      Business: Departmental Co-ordination

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what mechanisms are in place for the (a) management and (b) cross-departmental co-ordination of the Government's relationship...

      Ceramics: Trade Fairs

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills if his Department will provide assistance to (a) Anderen Ltd in Stoke-on-Trent South constituency and (b) other ceramics...

      Commodities Trading

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what his policy is on the regulation of commodities derivatives trading in the EU.


      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what progress he has made in supporting the creation and expansion of co-operatives; and what his policy is on the provision of...

      Departmental Public Expenditure

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what items of expenditure Ministers in his Department have authorised since his appointment.

      Departmental Regulation

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what regulations sponsored by his Department have been revoked in the last six months.

      Discretionary Learner Support Fund

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills whether further education institutions will be required to fulfil any statutory duties under his plans for the Discretionary...

      Economic Growth

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills on what date he expects his Department to publish its White Paper on Growth.

      EU Emissions Trading Scheme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills whether he has had discussions with the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change on ensuring that Phase 2 of the European...

      Export Credit Guarantees

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what steps the Export Credits Guarantee Department is taking to support local businesses to compete in international export markets.

      Export Credit Guarantees

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what estimate he has made of the financial benefit to the UK of loans underwritten by the Export Credits Guarantee Department in...

      Export Credit Guarantees

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what the total risk liability of overseas loans guaranteed by the Export Credits Guarantee Department is.

      Export Credit Guarantees

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills how much the Export Credits Guarantee Department has allocated to support loans from British banks in 2010-11.

      Export Credits Guarantee Department

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills if he will (a) review the operation of the Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) and (b) ask that review to consider the...

      Flexible Working

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what consultation his Department has undertaken with the public sector and private sector employers on his plans to extend the...

      Fulbright Commission

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills pursuant to the answer from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State of 22 November 2010, Official Report, House of Lords,...

      Further Education: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (1) what estimate he has made of the likely effect of the proposed reduction in funding available to support students in...

      Further Education: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (1) whether the methodology used to determine the level of payments from the Discretionary Learner Support Fund will take into...

      Further Education: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what assessment he has made of the likely effects on equality of access to further education at (a) local and (b) regional...

      Further Education: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills whether there will be a central appeals system for students who wish to dispute a funding decision in respect of an allocation...

      Further Education: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what audit procedures will be put in place in respect of the administration by individual institutions of the Discretionary...

      Further Education: Student Numbers

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what estimate he has made of the number of people who started a course of study at a further education college in January of each...

      Further Education: Transport

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills whether he has made a recent estimate of the average cost of travel per day for a student at a further education institution in...

      Further Education: Transport

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what financial assistance will be available to help students in further education meet travel costs in the academic year 2011-12.

      Goldsmiths College

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what recent representations he has received on the governance of Goldsmiths College; and if he will make a statement.

      Goldsmiths College

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what research grants has his Department given to Goldsmiths College in each of the last five years; and for what projects.

      Goldsmiths College

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills how much Goldsmiths College received from the public purse in each of the last five years; and how many (a) staff and (b)...

      Graduates: Teachers

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what steps he plans to take to ensure that lectureships in further and higher education institutions remain an attractive career...

      Higher Education

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills how many people were in higher education in (a) England, (b) Lancashire and (c) Rossendale and Darwen constituency in each...

      Higher Education: Admissions

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills how many young people (a) from low income families and (b) in total resident in (i) West Ham constituency, (ii) Newham and...

      Higher Education: Pay

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what information his Department holds on the salary level of each vice-chancellor of a university.

      Illegal Money Lending

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what plans he has for the future funding of the illegal money lending project.

      Industry: Academics

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what his most recent estimate is of the contribution to gross national product generated by collaboration between industry and...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what the Government's policy is on the principle of internet neutrality; and if he will make a statement.

      Manufacturing Industries: Qualifications

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills if he will take steps to meet demand for manufacturing skills through the Business Improvement Techniques National Vocational...

      Office of Fair Trading: Competition Commission

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what assessment he has made of the effects of merging the Office of Fair Trading and the Competition Commission on the time taken...

      Overseas Companies: Taxation

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (1) if he will bring forward proposals to require UK-based companies to report on their tax liabilities in developing...

      Overseas Students

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills how many non-EU students studied in the UK in the latest year for which figures are available; what estimate he has made of the...

      Phoenix Companies

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills if he will bring forward proposals to restrict the practice of establishing phoenix companies.

      Post Offices

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills if he will assess the merits of establishing a Post Office Diversification Fund for England akin to those in operation in...

      Post Offices: ICT

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what recent assessment he has made of the performance of the Horizon computer programme; and what (a) errors relating to the...


      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what steps he plans to take to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to continue to undertake research and development.

      Research: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills pursuant to the answer of 2 November 2010, Official Report, column 753W, on research and development, what his policy is on the...

      South East England Development Agency

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what plans he has for the future of assets owned by the South East England Development Agency in Medway following the closure of...

      Students: Fees and Charges

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what plans he has for the long-term future of the cap on university tuition fees; under what circumstances higher education...

      Students: Income

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what recent estimate he has made of the average annual income of undergraduate students; and if he will publish the figures his...

      Students: Loans

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what estimate he has made of the likely change in credit default rates among further education students resulting from taking out...

      Teesside Cast Products

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what (a) meetings and (b) discussions his Department has had with representatives of SSI Ltd on its proposed purchase of Tata...

      UK Trade and Investment: Manpower

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills how many staff who are (a) employed by UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) and (b) undertaking UKTI-related work for the Foreign and...

      Union Learning Fund

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills how much funding he plans to provide for the Union Learning Fund in each year of the Spending Review period.

      Union Learning Fund

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills how much funding from the public purse was provided to the Union Learning Fund in each of the last five years for which figures...

      University and College Union: Anti-Semitism

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills whether he has received recent reports of allegations of incidents of anti-Semitism in the University and College Union; and if...

      University Challenge

      To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what plans he has for the University Challenge projects.

  • International Development

    • Afghanistan: Children

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what estimate he has made of the number of children in Afghanistan who died before the age of five years owing to factors other than...

    • Africa: Famines

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what steps he plans to take to promote the application of new agricultural technology to tackle famine in Africa.

      Agriculture: Food Supply

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what discussions he has had with his US counterpart on the US Administration's policy on agricultural development and food security as...

      Departmental Grants

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development which non-governmental organisations were funded by his Department in each of the last two years; how much funding was provided to each...

      Departmental Public Expenditure

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what assessment he has made of the implications for his Department's international development goals of the operation of the US...

      Departmental Public Expenditure

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development whether all countries in receipt of developmental aid will receive a cash increase in funding proportionate to the proposed increase in...

      Developing Countries: Food

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what his policy is on steps to prevent future unstable fluctuations in the price of food in developing countries.

      Developing Countries: Food

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what (a) risk assessment and (b) contingency plans he has made in respect of future spikes in the price of food in developing countries.

      Developing Countries: Food

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development how much his Department spent on food aid in the financial years 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09.

      Developing Countries: Food

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what assessment he has made of the effect of financial speculation on food prices in developing countries.

      Developing Countries: Food

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what assessment he has made of threats to food security in developing countries.

      Developing Countries: Human Rights

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development whether his Department makes the allocation of aid to countries conditional on the upholding of standards of treatment of ethnic and...

      Energy: Export Credit Guarantees

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what estimate he has made of the monetary value of projects in the (a) coal, (b) oil, (c) gas, (d) wind, (e) solar and (f)...

      EU Aid: Fossil Fuels

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development whether his Department has provided funding through the EU aid budget for overseas projects involving the extraction and transport of...

      Palestinians: EU Aid

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development how much the EU donated in aid to the Palestinian territories in each of the last three years; what conditions were applied to such...

      Palestinians: Overseas Aid

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what steps he (a) is taking and (b) plans to take in the next 12 months to ensure that (i) financial and (ii) aid donations to the...

      Palestinians: Overseas Aid

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what steps he (a) is taking and (b) plans to take to ensure the effective use by the Palestinian Authority of financial assistance...

      Palestinians: Overseas Aid

      To ask the Secretary of State for International Development how much his Department allocated in aid to the Palestinian territories in each of the last three years; whether any conditions were...

  • Work and Pensions

    • Access to Work Programme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what consultation was undertaken before the new Access to Work guidance was issued; and by what mechanisms the effects of the new guidance are...

    • Carer's Allowance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what recent estimate he has made of the number of people caring for a person who is receiving the middle rate care component of disability...

      Cold Weather Payments: Westmorland

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assistance his Department provides to (a) pensioners, (b) benefit recipients and (c) other vulnerable individuals resident in...

      Communication: Young People

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how much his Department and its non-departmental public bodies spent on (a) telecommunications-based, (b) literature-based, (c) electronic,...

      Departmental Sick Leave

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to the answer of 18 November 2010, Official Report, column 908W, on departmental sick leave, what assessment he has made of the...

      Disability Living Allowance: Medical Examinations

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on what criteria the objective assessment of disability living allowance applications is made; and how that assessment differs from his...

      Employment Schemes: Disability

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what funds have been made available from his Department's budget to assist the implementation of the recommendations of the work capability...

      Employment Schemes: Disability

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) how many placements have been commissioned under the Work Choice programme; (2) how many placements he expects to be commissioned under...

      Employment Schemes: Disability

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what mechanisms are in place in the Work Programme to encourage employers to recruit people with disabilities.

      Employment Schemes: Disability

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions which of the recommendations of the work capability assessment independent review led by Professor Malcolm Harrington he expects to have been...

      Housing Benefit

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) what estimate he has made of the number of households in (a) Newcastle Upon Tyne North constituency, (b) the North East and (c)...

      Housing Benefit

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assessment he has made of the effect on those in receipt of local housing allowance of his proposals for changes to the allowance.

      Housing Benefit: Aberdeenshire

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) what the average amount of housing benefit paid to local authority tenants in Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City was in the latest period...

      Housing Benefit: Fife

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many people in Fife receive local housing allowance.

      Housing Benefit: Finance

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to the answer of 18 November 2010, Official Report, column 911W, on housing benefit: finance, if he will place in the Library a copy...

      Housing Benefit: Social Security Benefits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many households in receipt of housing benefit in each local authority area include at least one person in receipt of (a) (i) long-term and...

      Lone Parents: Social Security Benefits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many (a) men and (b) women will be affected by the changes to lone parent conditionality announced in the June 2010 Budget by 2014-15.

      National Employment Savings Trust Scheme

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assessment his Department has made of the effect on small companies with fewer than 10 employees of the requirement for them to contribute...

      Pensioners: Cost of Living

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assessment he has made of the effectiveness of the (a) consumer price index and (b) retail price index in measuring the increases in...

      Personal Income: East of England

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the median household income was of a family in (a) social rented sector, (b) private rented sector and (c) owner-occupied accommodation...

      Poverty: Children

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many children in Great Yarmouth were classified as being in poverty in each year from 2005 to 2009.

      Social Security Benefits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what recent estimate he has made of the proportion of household income made up of benefits in kind by net equalised income quintile.

      Social Security Benefits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many people he expects to transfer from incapacity benefit to jobseeker's allowance or employment and support allowance by 2015.

      Social Security Benefits

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many households in receipt of housing benefit in each local authority area include a claimant in receipt of disability premium on the basis...

      State Retirement Pensions

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to the answer of 11 October 2010, Official Report, column 117W, on state retirement pensions, how many people who were in receipt of...

      State Second Pension

      To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many (a) men and (b) women will be affected by uprating the additional state pension with reference to the consumer price index by 2014-15.

  • Treasury

    • Bank Levy

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he has made an estimate of the amount likely to be paid out in bonuses by the largest banks to staff in (a) investment banking and (b) other...

    • Banks: Pay

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what meetings (a) he and (b) Ministers in his Department have had with representatives of the (i) British Bankers' Association and (ii) Investment...

      Banks: Regulation

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what the Government's policy is on the implementation of the recommendations of the Walker Review of the corporate governance of the UK banking industry;...

      Child Benefit

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will estimate the average effect on the income of (a) a single household with an income above £44,000 per annum and (b) a multiple income...

      Child Benefit

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what recent representations he has received on the cost of administering child benefit.

      Child Benefit

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many and what proportion of families with at least one higher rate taxpayer are eligible for child benefit payments in each (a) constituency and (b)...

      Child Benefit: Young People

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) whether he has made an estimate of the number of (a) men and (b) women who received child benefit payments in (i) 2008-09 and (ii) 2009-10; (2)...

      Credit Unions

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what steps he is taking to support local credit unions.

      Crown Currency Exchange

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what discussions he has had with the Financial Services Authority on reports by Currency Index in February 2010 on Crown Currency Exchange.

      Debts: Disadvantaged

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what recent representations he has had on the effects on people in deprived areas of high levels of debt.

      Departmental Civil Service Live Conference

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what the cost to the public purse was of the (a) HM Revenue and Customs, (b) Government Banking Service, (c) Government Finance Profession and (d)...

      Departmental Lobbying

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) how much his Department's agencies and non-departmental public bodies spent from the public purse on influencing public policy through (a) employing...

      Departmental Official Cars

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer which Ministers in his Department have used an allocated Ministerial car to travel between the Department and the House of Commons on each day since 21 May 2010.

      Departmental Official Hospitality

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) how much his Department spent on hospitality for events hosted by each Minister in his Department in (a) May and (b) June 2010; (2) how much his...

      Departmental Speeches

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer which (a) (i) civil servants and (ii) special advisers in his Department and (b) other individuals are employed to write speeches for each Minister in his...

      Departmental Visits Abroad

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much his Department spent on overseas visits for senior officials in the last 12 months for which figures are available.

      EC Law

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will estimate the cost to his Department of compliance with regulations arising from EU obligations in the last 12 months.

      EU Budget

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer pursuant to the answer of 22 October 2010, Official Report, column 896W, on the EC budget, whether he plans to discuss at EU level the re-orientation of...

      EU Law

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimate he has made of the cost to his Department and its non-departmental public bodies of implementing and monitoring compliance with legislation...

      Excise Duties: Beer

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) how many brewers that received small breweries relief in 2009-10 had received such relief in previous years; (2) how many of the breweries liable for...

      Members: Correspondence

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he plans to reply to the letter from the hon. Member for Torbay of 8 June 2010, on Early Day Motion 61.

      Minimum Wage

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much has been paid to employees in arrears under national minimum wage legislation following enforcement action by HM Revenue and Customs since 6 April 2009.


      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) whether he has had discussions with the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on the Financial Service Authority's estimate of the...


      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what recent estimate he has made of the (a) level of availability and (b) price range of mortgages.

      National Insurance: Members

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the proposed national insurance holiday for employers establishing new businesses will apply to new constituency offices opened by hon. Members...

      Public Expenditure

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) if he will analyse the potential effects across (a) household income distribution and (b) household spending distribution of overall spending...

      Research and Development Tax Credit

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much has been spent on the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Research and Development tax credit scheme since its inception; and how many businesses...

      Revenue and Customs: Databases

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimate HM Revenue and Customs has made of the cost to British businesses of implementing the new iXBRL data system in the financial year (a) 2010-11...

      Revenue and Customs: Legal Costs

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much HM Revenue and Customs has spent on legal costs in cases involving the FA Premier League and clubs playing in that league in each of the last five...

      Revenue and Customs: Manpower

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimate his Department has made of the potential effect of the implementation of proposed changes in the benefits system on the number of people...

      Revenue and Customs: Sponsorship

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer pursuant to the answer of 23 November 2010, Official Report, column 274W, on incentives, what activities HM Revenue and Customs sponsored in 2009-10; and...

      Tax Collection

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what commission rates apply to the contracts of HM Revenue and Customs for tax debts collection services with (a) Commercial Collection Services Ltd, (b)...

      Taxation: Financial Services

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimate he has made of the tax yield from a financial activities tax levied at a rate of (a) 0.01 per cent., (b) 0.025 per cent, (c) 0.05 per...

      Taxation: Multinational Companies

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) how many inquiries under controlled foreign companies legislation had been settled in (a) 2008-09, (b) 2009-10 and (c) 2010-11 on the latest date...


      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what recent meetings he has had on the matter of value added tax zero-rating.

      VAT: Further Education

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) what representations he has received from sixth form colleges and further education colleges on community use of their facilities and the value added...

      Welfare Tax Credits

      To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what information his Department holds on the number of employees of FTSE 100 companies who are in receipt of tax credits.

  • House of Lords

    • Abortion

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Earl Howe on 16 November (HL3761), how soon the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health, Anne Milton, will meet with...

    • Abuse: Adults

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to encourage communities to report neighbours they suspect of abusing elderly or disabled relatives.

      Airports: Security

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, in relation to the aviation security incident at East Midlands Airport, at what time on 28 October the Minister for Security was first informed of the removal of...

      Anti-social Behaviour

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Earl Attlee on 1 November (WA 339) that tackling anti-social behaviour "must be a priority for all agencies, including the...

      Armed Forces: Abuse Allegations

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether any of the information on reported incidents involving the treatment of civilians by United States, British or Iraqi military or police, which was compiled...

      Armed Forces: Armoured Vehicles

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what is the status of the Future Rapid Effect System Utility Variant programme; and what consideration has been given to procuring a vehicle already in service...

      Armed Forces: Vehicles

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how many Land Rovers have been retired by the Army in each year since 1997.

      Banks: Green Investment Bank

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the green bank is now fully operational; and, if not, when they expect it will start.

      Care Homes

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the extent to which elderly persons in care homes are reluctant to move for fear that they might lose their right to care.

      Education: Male Teachers

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Hill of Oareford on 8 November (WA 39) concerning the proportion of male teachers in state primary schools, whether they...

      Education: Male Teachers

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Hill of Oareford on 11 November (WA 133), whether they will encourage more men to take up careers in teaching.

      Education: Primary Curriculum Handbook

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what was the total cost of producing and distributing the new primary curriculum handbook; and what is the estimated cost to the Qualifications and Curriculum...

      Equality Act 2010

      To ask Her Majesty's Government which sections or subsections of the Equality Act 2010 have not been commenced; of those, which ones they intend to commence and which they do not intend to...

      European Azerbaijan Society

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they receive regular representations and communications from the European Azerbaijan Society based in the United Kingdom; and what responses they have...

      Families: Single Parent Families

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what is their assessment of the impact of welfare reform on lone parents.

      Finance: Fraud

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what action is being taken to address the proliferation of fraudulent offers of finance to naive or vulnerable persons by e-mail and other means.

      Government Departments: Staff

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how many staff have been employed on temporary or short-term contracts since 12 May to support the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; what are the names of...

      Government Departments: Staff

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what are the names of all unpaid advisers to Ministers in the Department of Health.

      Government Departments: Staff

      To ask Her Majesty's Government who was consulted prior to the decision to merge the post of director-general science and research into the Directorate of Knowledge and Innovation in the...

      Government Departments: Staff

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the interview panel to decide on the appointment of the new director of Knowledge and Innovation in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills will...

      Government Departments: Staff

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how many officials employed by the Conservative Party have security passes to Downing Street. To ask Her Majesty's Government how many officials employed by the...

      Government: Policy Making

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they take to ensure that policy making is evidence-based.

      Health: C. Difficile

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the goal to reduce Clostridium difficile infections to be implemented from April 2011 differs from a target or a milestone; and in what way it differs from...

      Health: C. Difficile

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how the goal to reduce Clostridium difficile infections from April 2011 will be measured and progress monitored; how the infection rates are currently monitored in...

      Health: Maternity Services

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to increase the quality of maternity services.

      Health: Medicines

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what is their assessment of the impact of changes in the medicines wholesale market on the speed and frequency of medicines delivery to community pharmacists.

      Higher Education: Funding

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to encourage young people from the poorest backgrounds to go into higher education. To ask Her Majesty's Government what strategy they have to...

      Higher Education: Overseas Courses

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to encourage British students to take higher education courses abroad.

      Higher Education: Tuition Fees

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what is their estimate of the debt students will have to pay back following the proposed rise in tuition fees.

      Houses of Parliament: Pensions

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether a member of the House of Lords with a pension based on previous service in the House of Commons has to give up that pension upon receipt of a Ministerial...


      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Freud on 15 November (WA 161), what further work is necessary before they can reach a decision to uprate local housing...

      Immigration: Detainees

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what amount of damages they have paid to migrants whom they have illegally detained during the current and previous two years.

      Licensing: Live Music

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what risks to public safety or public amenity arise from the performance of live music in workplaces that are not adequately covered by existing public safety and...

      Medical Practitioners: Non-EU Nationals

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Earl Howe on 12 November (WA 146), whether the admission of 2,812 medical practitioners from non-European Economic Area countries...

      National Coal Board: Compensation

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of compensation so far paid to miners suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. To ask Her Majesty's Government how many...

      National Coal Board: Compensation

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how much has been paid to lawyers acting for miners and their descendants in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease claims, broken down by year, amount and company.

      Natural Hazards

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what progress is being made by the Cabinet Office Natural Hazards Team (a) to prepare long-term plans, and (b) to reduce the vulnerability of the natural...

      NHS: Accident and Emergency

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they plan to review the quality of care in Accident and Emergency departments.

      NHS: Director of Public Health

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what will be the proposed role and status of the director of public health within the Public Health Structure.

      NHS: Hospital Closures

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they are currently considering the closure of any hospitals in Suffolk.

      NHS: Operating Framework

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what are the three process targets being removed from the National Health Service operating plans and the change to be made to the threshold of another.

      Northern Ireland: Human Rights Commission

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Shutt of Greetland on 8 November (WA 31), whether they will place in the Library of the House the enclosures to the letter...

      Northern Ireland: Human Rights Commission

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Shutt of Greetland on 8 November (WA 31), whether they have agreed to any proposals of the Northern Ireland Human Rights...

      Northern Ireland: Human Rights Commission

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have received from the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission a copy of the recent independent report on the Commission's internal management...

      Northern Ireland: Human Rights Commission

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have received correspondence from the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission with regard to the removal of its chief executive; and, if so, whether...

      Northern Ireland: Human Rights Commission and Equality Commission

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what proposals they have to assist in a merger between the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and the Northern Ireland Equality Commission.


      To ask Her Majesty's Government what are the European standards Ofqual must aim to meet when redesigning standards for primary and secondary schools in England.


      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will change the policy of removing service pensions from war widows when they remarry or move in with a new partner.


      To ask Her Majesty's Government what regard they had to the military covenant, to which they adhere, in taking the decision to link future increases in war and war widows' pensions to the...

      Police: South Wales

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will request an investigation by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and the Independent Police Complaints Authority into the instruction given...

      Police: South Wales

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what arrangements the South Wales Constabulary has made with county councillors to co-ordinate the timing and location of Partnership and Communities Together...

      Police: South Wales

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will investigate why no record is included in the minutes of the South Wales Police Authority open meeting held in September 2009 concerning the...

      Public Bodies Bill

      To ask Her Majesty's Government which Acts of Parliament, and which sections of those Acts, established the bodies and offices listed in Schedules 1 to 7 of the Public Bodies Bill [HL]. To ask...

      Public Bodies Bill

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Statement by Baroness Rawlings on 16 November (WS 33), what are the specific duties currently carried out by Ofcom that it is proposed be...


      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they provide financial support towards achieving a reduction in illegal logging operations in rainforests; by what method that expenditure is monitored and...

      Schools: GCSEs

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Hill of Oareford on 1 November (WA 367-68), how they propose to respond to the absence of (a) physics, and (b) chemistry,...

      Schools: Inspection

      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they plan to review the process by which state schools are inspected.

      Schools: Reading

      To ask Her Majesty's Government why the Every Child a Chance Trust has been asked to delay the publication of research into the effectiveness of the Every Child a Reader and Every Child Counts...

      Schools: Synthetic Phonics

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how they define synthetic phonics; and how they differ from standard phonics.

      South Asia: Microfinance

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how they can protect the beneficiaries of United Kingdom-supported microfinance projects in south Asia from exploitation by banks and investment companies.

      Spending Review 2010

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what is the level of expenditure on youth services in 2010-11; and what will it be for each of the years of the spending review 2010.

      Spending Review 2010

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what figure for privatisation receipts, scored as negative expenditure, is assumed in table 1.1 of the spending review 2010 in the figure for total management...

      Spending Review 2010

      To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Sassoon on 11 November (WA 134), what is the total allocation to the enhanced discretionary learner support fund to support...

      Strategic Defence and Security Review

      To ask Her Majesty's Government how many posts at one-star level and above will be eliminated in each Service as a result of changes envisaged from the strategic defence and security review.

      Trade: Deficit

      To ask Her Majesty's Government what is their forecast of the role of the private sector recovery in reducing the monthly trade deficit in goods.


      To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the type of short-term unpaid work offered to long-term unemployed individuals takes account of the qualifications held by the individual.

What is this?

The parliamentary question is a great way for MPs and Peers to discover information which the government may not wish to reveal. Ministers reply via written answers, a list of which gets published daily.

We let you vote on whether or not the answer given is adequate.

November 2010
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun