House of Lords written statement – made at on 8 October 2013.
I would like to inform the House, together with my Rt Hon Friend the Minister of State for Universities and Science (Mr David Willetts), that the Government Response to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into Regenerative Medicine, Cm 8713, was laid before Parliament on
The Government welcomes the Committee’s report and agree with many of its helpful findings and recommendations.
The Government remains committed to the field of regenerative medicine and we recognise the significant role that regenerative medicine has in delivering the next generation of healthcare, providing possible treatments or cures for areas of unmet medical need. Regenerative medicine is recognised as one of the UK’s Eight Great Technologies, given its huge opportunities for technological advance and the economic benefits we believe it can bring to the UK economy.
Following the recommendations of the report we are setting up a Regenerative Medicine Expert Group to develop an NHS regenerative medicine delivery readiness strategy and action plan. This group will draw and build on existing initiatives outlined in the response to ensure the NHS is fully prepared to deliver the innovative treatments that regenerative medicine offers. In addition, this group will monitor the effect that regulation has on the progress of regenerative medicines in the UK.
Government Response to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into Regenerative Medicine is available to hon Members from the Vote Office and to noble Lords from the Printed Paper Office. It is also available at: