Charging for Immigration and Nationality Services 2011-12

Home Department written statement – made at on 28 February 2011.

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Photo of Damian Green Damian Green The Minister for Immigration

I am announcing proposals to change the fees for immigration and nationality applications made to the UK Border Agency. The Government review these fees on a regular basis and make appropriate changes as necessary. I will shortly lay regulations for fees that are set at levels above the normal administrative costs of the service. We have continued with our strategic approach to charging setting certain fees above cost on the basis of the value of the service.

These fees must be set out in regulations before both Houses of Parliament and are subject to the affirmative procedure. The fees allow us to generate revenue which is used to fund the UK immigration system and to set certain fees below cost recovery to support wider Government objectives. The revenue generated will contribute towards securing our borders and controlling migration for the benefit of the UK. I will lay another set of regulations in Parliament for the fees for immigration and nationality services that are set at/below the cost of the service.

A table with details of all the proposed increases is set out at annex A. The table includes indicative unit costs for each application for FY 11/12. The unit cost is the estimated average cost to UK Border Agency of processing each application. Although our unit costs are not fixed over the course of the financial year, we publish unit costs so it is clear which fees we set over cost and by how much. Further details of all fees changes will be outlined in the explanatory memoranda accompanying both the regulations.

Given the need to reduce public spending, we have had to carefully consider our fee levels, to ensure we can maintain good service levels to our customers and secure the border for the general public. In principle it is the right time to ask migrants to make a greater contribution to funding the UK Border Agency than was previously the case. Therefore we should continue to seek a shift in the funding provided by migrants to deliver the border and immigration system with a consequent reduction in the burden on UK taxpayers.

In developing these proposals, we have sought to limit increases so as to avoid any broader economic impact (particularly on the most economically sensitive route of all, short-term visit visas).

I believe these proposals continue to strike the right balance between maintaining secure and effective border controls, and ensuring that our fees structure does not inhibit the UK’s ability to attract those migrants and visitors who make a valued contribution. It is right that those who benefit directly from the immigration system should pay to meet the costs of securing the UK’s borders. This will help to support the immigration system, maintain public confidence, and ensure that migration is managed for the benefit of the UK.

Full details on how to apply for all of these services will be provided on our website, www.ukba.homeoffice.

  Annex A
Out of Country
Visa – Non PBS (New Products (*) ) Unit Costs April 2011 Current Fees Oct/Nov 2010 Proposed Fees April 2011
Visit visa – short £140 £70 £76
Visit visa - long 2 year £140 £245 £265
Visit visa - long 5 year £140 £450 £486
Visit visa - long 10 year £140 £650 £702
Short Term Student <12 Months Visa £140 £70 £140
Settlement £391 £750 £810
Settlement - Dependant Relative £458 £1,680 £1,814
Certificate of Entitlement £355 £245 £265
Other Visa £163 £245 £265
Transit Visa £73 £47 £51
Vignette Transfer Fee £163 £93 £100
Call Out/Out of Hours Fee £134/hr 130/hr max £939/day £130/hr
(*)Forwarding documents to Commonwealth Countries/Overseas Territories (additional fee) n/a £65 £70
(*)Handling applications on behalf of Commonwealth Countries/Overseas Territories n/a £48 £50
(*)Single entry visa to Replace Biometric Residence Permit Overseas £70 n/a £70
Visa – PBS (New Produc ts (*) ) Unit Costs April 2011 Current Fees Oct/Nov 2010 Proposed Fees April 2011
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur, Investor, Exceptional Talent) - Main Apps £432 £750 £800
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur, Investor, Exceptional Talent) - Dependants £432 £750 £800
Tier 1 CESC - Main Apps £432 £700 £720
Tier 1 CESC - Dependants £432 £700 £800
Tier 1 (Transition) n/a £332 £332
Tier 1 (Transition) CESC n/a £300 £300
Tier 1 Post Study - Main £459 £344 £474
Tier 1 Post Study - Dependants £459 £344 £474
Tier 2 Gen, Sport & MOR - Main Apps £250 £350 £400
Tier 2 Gen, Sport & MOR - Dependants £250 £350 £400
(*)Tier 2 ICT <12Mths - Main Apps & Dependants £227 n/a £350
(*)Tier 2 ICT <12Mths - CESC Main Applicant £227 n/a £315
Tier 2 CESC - Main Apps £250 £300 £360
Tier 2 CESC - Dependants £250 £300 £400
Tier 4 - Main Apps £289 £220 £255
Tier 4 - Dependants £289 £220 £255
Tier 5 Temp Work & YM £206 £130 £190
Tier 5 CESC £206 £120 £171
Tier 5 CESC - Dependants £206 £130 £190
N.B. CESC = Council of Europe Social Charter reduction
Applications to the Channel Islands under Employment and Study routes attract Tier 2 & Tier 4 fees and costs respectively.
In Country
Nationality (New Products (*) ) Unit Costs April 2011 Current Fees Oct/Nov 2010 Proposed Fees April 2011
Naturalisation (UK Citizenship) Single(1) £238 £780 £836
Naturalisation (UK Citizenship) Joint (1) £319 £1,010 £1,294
Naturalisation (UK Citizenship) Spouse (1) £238 £780 £836
Nationality Registration Adult (1) £238 £580 £620
Nationality Registration Minor(2) £238 £500 £540
Nationality Registration Multiple Minor Main (2) £319 £600 £810
Nationality Registration Multiple Minor Dependant (2) £238 £150 £270
Renunciation of Nationality £238 £208 £225
Nationality Reissued Certificate £88 £80 £86
Nationality Right of Abode £162 £150 £162
Nationality Reconsiderations £88 £100 £80
Status Letter (Nationality) £88 £80 £86
Non-Acquisition Letter (Nationality) £88 £80 £86
(*)Nationality Correction to Certificate £88 n/a £86
(1)Additional £80 per applicant is included to cover the ceremony fee.
(2)Additional £80 per applicant is required to cover the ceremony fee should the minor turn 18 during the application process. This will be requested at point of decision.
In UK - Non PBS (New product s (*) ) Unit Costs April 2011 Current Fees Oct/Nov 2010 Proposed Fees April 2011
ILR Postal Main £243 £900 £972
1 ILR Postal Dependant £243 £250 £486
ILR Postal CESC Main £243 £850 £875
ILR Postal CESC Dependant £243 £250 £486
ILR PEO Main £243 £1,250 £1,350
ILR PEO Dependant £243 £350 £675
ILR PEO CESC Main £243 £1,100 £1,215
ILR PEO CESC Dependant £243 £300 £675
ILR Dependant Relative Postal £299 £1,680 £1,814
ILR Dependant Relative PEO £299 £2,050 £2,214
LTR Non Student Postal Main £418 £500 £550
LTR Non Student Postal Dependant £418 £150 £275
LTR Non Student PEO Main £419 £800 £850
LTR Non Student PEO Dependant £419 £200 £425
Transfer of Conditions Postal Main £219 £200 £216
Transfer of Conditions Postal Dependant £219 £50 £108
Transfer of Conditions PEO Main £219 £600 £648
Transfer of Conditions PEO Dependant £219 £150 £324
Travel Documents Adult (CoT) £241 £220 £238
Travel Documents Adult CTD £241 £77.50 £77.50
Travel Documents Child (CoT) £152 £138 £149
Travel Documents Child CTD £152 £49 £49
Replacement Biometric Residence Permit £37 £30 £37
Mobile Case working (Premium+) £2,211 £15,000 £6,000 + PEO Fee
Call Out/Out of Hours Fee £134/hr £130/hr max £939/day £130/hr
Work Permit Technical Changes £123 £20 £22
Residual FLR IED Postal - Main £246 £500 £550
Residual FLR IED Postal - Dependants £238 £150 £275
Residual FLR IED PEO-Main £148 £800 £850
Residual FLR IED PEO - Dependants £148 £200 £425
Residual FLR BUS Postal - Main £148 £850 £1,000
Residual FLR BUS Postal - Dependants £148 £250 £500
Employment LTR outside PBS Postal £362 £500 £550
Employment LTR outside PBS Postal Dependant £362 £150 £275
Employment LTR outside PBS PEO £303 £800 £850
Employment LTR outside PBS PEO Dependant £303 £200 £425
(*)Additional Out of Hours Caseworking(1) - PEO Main n/a n/a £300
(*)Additional Out of Hours Caseworking(1) - PEO Dependant n/a n/a £150
(*)EEA Applications at PEO (per person) n/a n/a £300
(1)Out of hours caseworking fee payable on top of standard PEO fee
CESC = Council of Europe Social Charter reduction LTR = Leave to Remain
PEO = Public Enquiry Office ILR = Indefinite Leave to Remain
In UK - PBS(New products (*) ) Unit Costs April 2011 Current Fees Oct/Nov 2010 Proposed Fees April 2011
Tier 1 - Postal Main £269 £850 £1,000
Tier 1 - Postal Dependant £269 £250 £500
Tier 1 - Postal CESC Main £269 £770 £900
Tier 1 - Postal CESC Dependant £269 £250 £500
Tier 1 - PEO Main £253 £1,150 £1,300
Tier 1 - PEO Dependant £253 £300 £650
Tier 1 - PEO CESC Main £253 £1,000 £1,170
Tier 1 - PEO CESC Dependant £253 £300 £650
Tier 1 - (Post Study) - Postal Main £337 £550 £594
Tier 1 - (Post Study) - Postal Dependant £337 £150 £297
Tier 1 - (Post Study) - PEO Main £337 £850 £918
Tier 1 - (Post Study) - PEO Dependant £337 £250 £459
Tier 1 - Transition Postal Main n/a £500 £500
Tier 1 - Transition Postal Dependant n/a £150 £250
Tier 1 - Transition PEO Main n/a £700 £700
Tier 1 - Transition PEO Dependant n/a £200 £350
Tier 2 - Postal Main £169 £500 £550
Tier 2 - Postal Dependant £169 £150 £275
Tier 2 - Postal CESC Main £155 £450 £495
Tier 2 - Postal CESC Dependant £155 £150 £275
Tier 2 - PEO Main £169 £800 £850
Tier 2 - PEO Dependant £169 £200 £425
Tier 2 - PEO CESC Main £169 £700 £765
Tier 2 - PEO CESC Dependant £169 £200 £425
(*)Tier 2 - Postal Main (ICT <12 months) £169 n/a £350
(*)Tier 2 - Postal Dependants (ICT <12 months) £169 n/a £175
(*)Tier 2 - PEO Main (ICT <12 months) £169 n/a £650
(*)Tier 2 - PEO Dependants (ICT <12 months) £169 n/a £325
(*)Tier 2 - Postal CESC Main (ICT <12 months) £155 n/a £315
(*)Tier 2 - PEO CESC Main (ICT <12 months) £169 n/a £585
Tier 4 - Postal Main £316 £357 £386
Tier 4 - Postal Dependant £316 £100 £193
Tier 4 - PEO Main £316 £650 £702
Tier 4 - PEO Dependant £316 £150 £351
Tier 5 - Postal Main £235 £130 £190
Tier 5 - Postal Dependant £235 £30 £95
Tier 5 - Postal CESC Main £235 £120 £171
Tier 5 - Postal CESC Dependant £235 £30 £95
Tier 5 - PEO Main £240 £600 £648
Tier 5 - PEO Dependant £240 £150 £324
Tier 5 - PEO CESC Main £240 £550 £583
Tier 5 - PEO CESC Dependant £240 £150 £324
PBS Dependants Applying Separately - Postal £418 £500 £550
PBS Dependants Applying Separately - PEO £419 £800 £850
(*)Tier 4 - Permission to Change Course(1) £160 n/a £160
N.B. CESC - Council of Europe Social Charter reduction
(1)Only for migrants that applied to UKBA for permission to study between 31 March and 4 October 2009
PBS Sponsorship Unit Costs April 2011 Current Fees Nov 2010 Proposed Fees April 2011
Tier 2 Large Sponsor Licence £1,007 £1,000 £1,025
Tier 2 Small Sponsor Licence £1,007 £300 £310
Tier 4 Sponsor Licence £1,007 £400 £410
Tier 5 Sponsor Licence £1,007 £400 £410
Tier 2, Tier 4 &/or Tier 5 Licence (where sponsor currently holds T4 or T5 licence) £1,007 £600 £615
Highly Trusted Sponsor Licence £1,007 £400 £410
Sponsor Action Plan £1,007 £1,000 £1,000
Tier 2 COS £172 £170 £175
Tier 5 COS £15 £10 £10
Tier 4 CAS £15 £10 £10


Jim Mortoza
Posted on 1 Mar 2011 12:33 pm (Report this annotation)

Why is the registration for children of British mothers again been put up when last November 22 the government waived this fee in order to bring into a sense of equality to children of British mothers. The fee was waived and has now again been reintroduced and I do not see why after having made the amended changes through affirmative resolution in both houses and announced it was to bring in fairness in treatment that the fees are now again being raised ?

Michael Turberville
Posted on 1 Mar 2011 2:08 pm (Report this annotation)

Damian, tell me this is a typo?
I spend over two decades of my life trying to get full PARITY between the children of British Father's and children of British Mother's.
Birtish Women are NOT the property of their husbands or fathers in citizenship and Nationality matter's!
Sex discrimination is not only wrong it is illegal in the UK!
You should really be focusing on trying to end the last vestiges where the children of British Mother's do not have full Parity with the Children of British Father's - the dutch did it in 2010 and they changed their previous similar to our archaic legislation to full Parity!
I can not believe my eye's, After having twisted the arm of the Home Office, UKBA, the token woman in the cabinet and various other's to end the fee for UKM applicants, YOU are going to try to put them back.
Well so far Damian over 20,405 people have registered and PAID a fee and if you push this we will take a class action law suit against you and Parliament to get not only our fee's paid back but compensation for you deliberately and intentionally depriving we the UKM's our right to life and citizenship on Parity with that of the children of British Fathers.
Michael Turberville