Monday, 11 June 2018
The Competitiveness Council (Internal Market and Industry) took place on 28 May in Brussels. I represented the UK. The standing ‘competitiveness check-up’ debate focused on the...
My Rt. Hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has made the following written statement: On 6 February 2018 I informed the House that I had asked Professor Sir Norman...
Between March and June 2016 the Government consulted on a package of reforms to the death certification process and the introduction of medical examiners. The reforms aim to improve engagement...
The Competitiveness Council (Internal Market and Industry) took place on 28 May in Brussels. Lord Henley (Parliamentary Under- Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy)...
The Energy Council will take place on 11 June in Luxembourg. The Council will discuss the Regulation on the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) with the Presidency hoping to...
On 6 February 2018 I informed the House that I had asked Professor Sir Norman Williams to carry out a rapid policy review of gross negligence manslaughter in healthcare settings. This review...
A new order has been made under section 56(1B) of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 to enable Reservists to be called into permanent service in support of the United Kingdom’s contribution to...
I am today announcing the allocation of a targeted £30m Rough Sleeping Initiative fund to support those sleeping rough and those at risk of sleeping rough in 83 local authorities with the...
I am pleased to announce that my Department will today publish an impact assessment for the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). I have separately written to the Scrutiny Committees...
The government will introduce Finance (No.3) Bill following the Budget in the autumn. In line with the approach to tax policy making set out in the government’s documents ‘Tax...
A meeting of The Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) was held in Brussels on 25 May 2018. EU Finance Ministers discussed the following: Early Morning Session The Eurogroup...
The Education, Youth, Culture and Sport (EYCS) Council took place in Brussels on 22 and 23 May 2018. Lord Ashton of Hyde represented the UK at the Youth session of this Council on 22 May. The...
I have today laid before Parliament a Departmental Minute describing three contingent liabilities relating to a tripartite deal between Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL), First Greater Western...
Written Ministerial Statements were introducted in late 2002 to stop the practice of having “planted” or “inspired” questions designed to elicit Government statements.
They are just that – statements on a particular topic by a Government Minister.