Thursday, 16 June 2005
On 14 June 2005 I made an order under Section 2 (6) of the Taxes Management Act 1970 amalgamating a number of divisions in Northamptonshire, Tyne and Wear and Greater London with effect from 1...
Today I have deposited copies of the report on the review of statutory prohibitions on disclosure in the Libraries of both Houses. The review stems from the order-making power in Section 75 of...
I have today, with my right honourable friend the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, laid before Parliament the Cabinet Office Departmental Report 2005 (Cm 6543). The departmental report describes...
I have today, with my right hon. Friend, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, laid before Parliament the "Cabinet Office Departmental Report 2005" (Cm 6543). The departmental report describes the...
I have set out the following key targets for 2005–06 for Defence Estates, as laid out in the agency's corporate plan 2005–2010: Key Target 1 To improve the defence estate in a...
In the 2004 Defence White Paper, "Delivering Security in a Changing World", we referred to plans to collocate strike and personnel and training command headquarters. This is part of a programme...
In a statement issued on 18 March, the Deputy Prime Minister announced that he was establishing a tripartite committee with key stakeholders, to discuss the future of the local government...
My 2005 departmental report, which contains information on progress against the Department's objectives, the challenges ahead and summary expenditure plans for 2004–05 to 2007–08, has...
The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs announced the terms of reference for the review of the UK climate change programme (CCP) on 15 September 2004. These stated that...
The Food Standards Agency's departmental report spring 2005, Cm 6525 was laid before Parliament today. Copies will be placed in the Library.
Section 14(1) of the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (the 2005 Act) requires me to report to Parliament as soon as reasonably practicable after the end of every relevant three-month period on my...
I have placed copies of the Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland's annual report for 2004–05 in the Libraries of both Houses, on behalf of the criminal justice ministerial trilateral....
I am pleased to announce today the appointment of Professor Monica McWilliams as the new Chief Commissioner of the NIHRC. I am also appointing seven new Commissioners—Jonathan Bell, Thomas...
Written Ministerial Statements were introducted in late 2002 to stop the practice of having “planted” or “inspired” questions designed to elicit Government statements.
They are just that – statements on a particular topic by a Government Minister.