Monday, 13 June 2005
My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and I are pleased to announce today the launch of the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland. This new service was...
Along with David Hanson, Minister of State for the Department of Social Development, I have deposited copies of the annual report and financial statements of Ilex URC Limited for the year ended...
Clause 17 of the Finance Bill entitled, "authorised unit trusts and open-ended investment companies", contains powers to make regulations relating to the taxation of authorised investment funds....
It has been a key principle of the Government's approach to dealing with the concerns of 1990–91 Gulf veterans that the Ministry of Defence will fund appropriate research into Gulf...
The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council met on 2– 3 June. I represented the United Kingdom. Items on the agenda relating to health were covered on 3 June. Items...
The African Union mission in Darfur is doing an important job in trying to provide security for the people of Darfur who have suffered too long from this terrible conflict. Where the AU troops...
Along with Jeff Rooker, Minister of State for the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, I have deposited copies of the annual report and financial statements of Ilex URC Ltd....
Together with my noble Friend the Attorney-General I am pleased to announce today the launch of the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland. This new service was one of the main...
I have considered very carefully all the information that Merseytravel has provided for Merseytram Line 1. I provisionally approved a Government contribution of £170 million, in cash terms,...
Written Ministerial Statements were introducted in late 2002 to stop the practice of having “planted” or “inspired” questions designed to elicit Government statements.
They are just that – statements on a particular topic by a Government Minister.