– Scottish Parliament written question – answered at on 21 March 2007.
Question S2W-32593
To ask the Scottish Executive how it plans to address the concerns highlighted in the summary report following the recent consultation on proposals to establish Scotland’s first coastal and marine national park.
More than two thirds of those who responded to the consultation on Scotland’s first coastal and marine national park support the idea in principle. However, the consultation also revealed significant detailed concerns which we need to address before decisions are taken.
The concerns reflected issues raised by business interests in particular, including fisheries, aquaculture and tourism businesses. I have therefore written to the enterprise networks inviting them to review these concerns and to discuss further with relevant interests. Furthermore, I would welcome suggestions from the enterprise networks on measures and options for addressing the concerns raised, going with the grain of the overall policy initiative. I have asked for initial results of this review by the end of June.
In parallel, my officials will continue to work with the range of public sector bodies concerned to develop further the proposals for a coastal and marine national park.
The summary of consultation responses, published on 1 March 2007, is available on the Scottish Executive website at: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2007/02/28143406/0.
Yes1 person thinks so
No1 person thinks not
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