– Scottish Parliament written question – answered at on 6 March 2007.
Question S2W-31900
To ask the Scottish Executive whether, in light of the findings published in the Care 21 report, The Future of Unpaid Care in Scotland , it will ensure that all local authorities (a) inform all eligible carers of their right to a carers’ assessment, (b) ensure that all carers receive an individual assessment within a reasonable timescale and (c) improve the quality of carers’ assessments to ensure that all carers receive the support and resources they need and that the assessment makes an appreciable difference to their lives.
Both the Executive and local partnerships have taken a number of steps to improve the take-up of carer assessments.
The Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2002 gives carers the right to an assessment of their ability to care. The legislation requires local authorities to inform them of this right.
We have required local partnerships to report on local improvement targets to increase numbers of carer assessments.
NHS Carer Information Strategies, which will take effect from April, will help to improve carer identification and support. Crucially, they will include systems to inform carers of their right to assessment.
It is for individual local authorities to allocate resources, in light of local needs and priorities, to ensure adequate service delivery.
Yes0 people think so
No1 person thinks not
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