Young People

– Scottish Parliament written question – answered at on 3 March 2006.

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Photo of Margaret Ewing Margaret Ewing Scottish National Party

Question S2W-23394

To ask the Scottish Executive what action it has taken since the Young Runaways and Children Abused Through Prostitution Working Group last reported.

Photo of Robert Brown Robert Brown Liberal Democrat

The conclusion of the Young Runaways and Children Abused Through Prostitution Working Group’s work was the publication of the Vulnerable Children and Young People Guidance Pack on 29 July 2003. Since then the Scottish Executive has provided £121,520 over three years to the Aberlour Child Care Trust to appoint a project worker to their Running Other Choices project.

We have also provided £603,314 from 2002-06, and are committed to providing a further £226,108 in future years, to the Aberlour Child Care Trust to set up and run a pilot refuge in Glasgow.

In addition, we have provided funding for Barnardo’s Scotland to undertake a research project into sexually exploited young people in secure accommodation. A summary of this report was published last year.

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