European Union

– Scottish Parliament written question – answered at on 25 April 2005.

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Photo of Phil Gallie Phil Gallie Conservative

Question S2W-15623

To ask the Scottish Executive what benefits will come to Scotland under its devolved responsibilities from the EU constitution.

Photo of Tom McCabe Tom McCabe Labour

The new European Constitution brings many benefits for Scotland, the UK and Europe as a whole. It establishes a more transparent and accountable structure, allowing the EU to function more effectively, with a bigger role for national Parliaments and national governments, simpler decision-making and more efficient and streamlined institutions.

Of particular relevance to Scotland are the specific provisions for a subsidiarity mechanism and an enhanced recognition of the role of the regions, including an obligation on the Commission to take account of regional and local views in consultation, where appropriate.

The introduction of mutual recognition of different legal systems is also of direct benefit to Scotland.

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