– Scottish Parliament written question – answered at on 8 June 2004.
Question S2W-8486
To ask the Scottish Executive how many police hours have been released from prisoner transport duties as a result of the contract with Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the provision of prisoner escort and court custody services.
Question S2W-8487
To ask the Scottish Executive how many police officers it estimates will be released for frontline duties as a result of the contract with Reliance Secure Task Management Ltd for the provision of prisoner escort and court custody services once the contract has been fully implemented.
As indicated in the answer given to question S2W-3488 on 13 November 2003, the full contract would be expected to lead to the redeployment of up to 300 police officers to other operational duties. All answers to written parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament’s website, the search facility for which can be found at:
Yes1 person thinks so
No1 person thinks not
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