Central Heating

– Scottish Parliament written question – answered at on 28 March 2003.

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Photo of Irene McGugan Irene McGugan Scottish National Party

Question S1W-34573

To ask the Scottish Executive how many houses in Dundee are now centrally heated as a result of its Central Heating Installation Programme.

Photo of Des McNulty Des McNulty Labour

Since the Central Heating Installation Programme for owner-occupiers and private renters began, in September 2000, Eaga have installed central heating in 892 dwellings in the DD postcode area. Dundee Council have installed central heating in 1,251 dwellings since April 2000. All council houses in Dundee will have central heating by 31 March 2004, except where the tenant has refused the offer or the building is to be demolished. All owner-occupiers and private renters in Dundee who apply for free central heating will have it by 31 March 2006.

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